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Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood.

My brother didn't, and I didn't either. I'm only 10 years old and have no choice anymore. My brother saw things, and so did I.
It wasn't always like that though, people swore I was just imagining things and only scared of the dark. But truly, I loved the sun. I still do even though he has a different meaning now.

I met my family at age 3. I don't remember really anything of my upbringing besides them. My mom is Sally Jackson. She's the kindest woman you will ever meet. She makes the best cookies, makes sure your listened to and most important, she took me in and loves me like her own. I grew up with Percy. He's a sarcastic goofball who I don't know if I could live without.
Percy is my hero. He always had a hard time in school and I was there to give him hugs when he got home. He had a hard time with reading too. I would act out stories instead of him reading them so he would remember them better and make silly "ahhh" sounds when a drama part happened. Even though I helped him, he helped me too.
He was always good at swimming. Too good. He was the one who taught me to swim and love the water. He would always know when you had a hard day and would make a joke just to make you laugh. He is the best brother I know.
Things changed though. My mom has a boyfriend that smells so bad.
He isn't very kind to Percy and that makes me so mad. I love my mom and to see her happy but it seems like all he does is make my mom mad too. He steals the tv from us and makes us have all the lights out at night just so he can sleep better.
One thing I have always feared was the dark.
I hate the way it looks like nothing is in front of you but at the same time anything can be in front of you. Even behind!
My mom says I don't like the dark because of my blonde hair being golden like the sun.
I have blue eyes like my brother and the only thing I remember about my father was his golden curls.
I remember him humming all the time too. It's hard to know that someone who could look just like you left and didn't say anything more. But, I think he's the one who brought me to Percy and Sally.
I just wish he could take Gabe away though too.
He honestly smells so bad. And that's all you need to know about him.
Percy doesn't like him either. And I agree with everything he says about him. Gabe even wants Percy to move away to a new school!
If my brother goes, I go.
And I can't go to middle school yet so he has to stay in Manhattan.
Sure, Percy does have a hard time in school and gets in trouble a lot but it's doesn't mean he has to have no personality?!
Sometimes me and Percy even see the same things. One time I swear it was flying woman. Percy was at school on a trip to a museum and I begged my mom to go close to the museum so I could see Percy and be by him.
I also wanted to see the statues too.
He was outside eating lunch, not that I was looking right at him.., and his teacher fully got wings! No one believed me! I tried to run to Percy but my mom said I was just being silly to try and embarrass him at school. I wasn't!
As we were walking away, I did see Percy with a sword and I don't know why that was so hard for people to believe. Why not a monster woman? They said I was silly for that but crazy that Percy had a sword??

Percy got kicked out.
I was so upset for him.
I even made him a blue banner that said "sorry about school Percy!"
He didn't love it so much and Gabe decided to just throw it away later anyway. I knew Percy was upset and angry because I could feel it too.
It's like the things they say about twins..
that they can sense or feel things the other one does. I can do that with Percy.
He's still a brother that can make fun of me and wrestle but he also protects me like no other person in this world.
He's the first to tell Gabe to shut up and leave me alone because I didn't do the dishes for my mom and then he helps me with them after.
As I was staring at the ceiling in me and Percy's room, I could hear the rain pouring outside. Gabe was watching loud tv but I could hear the rain and it made me feel better like it did for my mom. When Percy finally came home that night, he was upset and talked to our mom right away. I could hear their conversation very clearly. Again, not because I was listening behind the wall..
that's when my mom says her and Percy needed to leave for the beach house. I couldn't believe it! They were taking a trip??
Percy was confused too as he came in the room. I of course pretended I was in bed the whole time ..
he was shoving shirts and pants in a duffel bag that we drew all over. The duffel bag project by Percy and Ella took us all day when he got it. We covered it in pictures of things he loved; the water, sea animals, shells and magic things. I wrote his name on it too but I put the "P" backwards on accident. It's more faded now but I'm happy that's what he was using for the trip. I decided I would also come on the trip. I packed my bag that was yellow and had 3 keychains all together on it that clicked every time I walked. One was the Statue of Liberty, the other was a sun, and the last one was a beaded rope that spelled "ELLA" with blue and pink beads. Me and Percy drew little things on this one too but it was smaller than his so we drew me and him on it at the beach. We drew it underneath the straps of the bag because Gabe said it was expensive so we shouldn't draw on it. But we still did.
I came out with my bag all ready and my mom and Percy just stared at me.
"What's wrong? Can't I come on the trip too?" I asked.
"Honey, this might have to be just me and Percy this time." Sally said while coming and holding her hands on my shoulders.
"I'm coming if Percy is! I don't want him to leave and not come with! -" my mom cut me off.
"Fine, but only because we have to leave NOW."

We were in Gabe's car and drove to the beach house quickly even though it was still raining. Me and Percy sat on the couch at the cabin while our mom walked back and forth across the room. She was biting her nails.
"Kids, I have to tell you something. Something about your dads."

Ella Jackson- Apollos legacy Where stories live. Discover now