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Hi, everyone! It's yours truly, Cyprus. Welcome once again to one of my many attempts at ONC... this time I've got it! Hopefully.

If you're unaware of what ONC is, it stands for Open Novella Contest, and is an Ambassador hosted event that provides prompts and three months to write a Novella of 20k - 40k words.

This is my only entry for this year. I've almost always tried for multiple stories and completely failed, so instead I'm putting all my effort and brain power into a single story that I've had in my drafts for a long time, and using a prompt to spruce it up a little! Which brings me to just that, my prompt:

20. Three strangers, two secrets, one key.

As a multi-pov story you'll see the "three strangers" part come into play pretty early. The secrets are aptly things you must discover yourselves, and the key... well it's not so literal. I'm assuming it's intended to be a door key, but that's not what I'm going with. You'll see soon enough.

Now, onto some more info (on the prompt and otherwise) for those who care:

❈ That's right, there are indeed three protagonists in this story, something I hope to highlight and balance well. With that said, this is my first attempt at writing with multiple pov's, or even third person limited for a prolonged period. I would super appreciate anyone who wants to give feedback on or advice on how to keep each perspective fresh, interesting, and bonk me anytime I head-hop. I know it's bound to happen...

❈ In terms of feedback, anything and everything provided. From grammar sweeps to full-blown analysis, I want to hear exactly what you think and what could be better, not only to help my ONC entry to be the best it can be, but also because I already anticipate the word-count limit giving me fits, and I'll be expanding post-ONC. So go crazy and tell me what you want to see explored some more because:

❈ This story is much more high-fantasy than anything I've ever written (a lot of which will come into play in a planned continuation), so world-building will be a major aspect, and something I've never been able to fully explore in all it's chaotic glory. Always, always, tell me if something comes off as info-dumping, and I will promptly be making changes.

❈ As inspiration for a lot of my world-building, I must give credit to Norse mythology. Though it isn't directly based upon it, some of the lore draws from common aspects, and you'll probably notice some (and an occasionally modified version of) Norwegian language in the names, and a few choices vocab words. The setting is loosely based in a fictional Scandinavia as well. 

❈ There isn't much realism to real life foxes. The biomes revolve how I want them to be, and the animals and science are all subject to my whim. I've done some research on foxes, the geography, and how they interact with the ecosystem, but technically (trying not to give any spoilers) this isn't the same world we live in. Don't expect anything too realistic, it's a completely fictional story.

❈ This book has quickly become a little more grim than what I usually write. I'd say the target audience is anywhere from 13-16. Hopefully it can be enjoyed by all! I haven't outlined every scene yet, but expect themes of violence, war, death, and blood. None are glorified or super heavy, but do exist in a story about foxes literally trying to wipe out each other.

❈ The wonderful cover is by avadel and their graphic shop! And a special thank you to SuVida777 and the DreamlandCommunity for starting the mango madness!

❈ So, without further ado, I introduce my 2024, Open Mango Cul––I mean, Open Novella Contest entry:

The War for Eventyr

The War for Eventyr

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