26 | A War to Stop

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For once, he stepped across the snow without hesitation. His legs didn't tremble––his stomach didn't churn. Because today, no Shadowborn would fall. Not if he could help it.

With mountains rising on both sides, leaving only a valley to pass through, Colborn peered ahead across the darkened ground. There was no time to waste, so their skulk set out immediately. They had to stop this war as quickly as they could. Only now, something else stood in his way beside the biting wind and rain.

A line of foxes quickly formed a barrier across the gap. Surely they'd been alarmed by the mass of crimson foxes creeping closer. Colborn slowed his trot to a walk. A single tod bravely stepped forward to meet him.

The white-furred fox's hackles bristled. He glanced back at his army with a telling look of fear. He knew they were outnumbered. It was hard not to be when Colborn had nearly all of Muspell behind him. This was more than just an army, it was his family.

Aggression presented itself in bared jaws, warning Colborn not to come any closer. He stopped several feet in front of the fox. It was strange, seeing a Shadowborn commander for the first time––without knowing that he'd be the last face they saw before they died.

He cleared his throat. "We come in peace, in behalf of all the Flame Skulk."

The tod glared, another growl rising in his throat.

Colborn lowered his tail and muzzle, a sign of submission. "My father is dead," he told him. "I now lead. And we will fight no more."

Finally, something other than a growl emerged from the fox. A scoff. "Is this some kind of joke?"

Shaking his muzzle, Colborn pressed his belly against the snow. He rolled over, baring the tender part of his throat and stomach. It garnered strange glances from both skulks. "It isn't. I want peace. And if you must kill me as reparations for your brethren, then do so. An offering, so long as you let my second in command speak to your queen." Colborn closed his eyes, expecting the fiery-tongued fox to tear out his throat.

Instead, he heard muttering. He looked up to find the commander conferring with his army. He turned on his paws.

"That won't be necessary, Flameborn," he spat the word. "Not if you mean the words you say. We will grant you an audience with the queen, but the rest must stay here." The tod nodded to Colborn's rallied forces, and he dipped his nose in understanding.

"I accept. Lead me to the queen."

The white-furred forces parted to let the crimson fox pass, like a single drop of blood against the snow. All the while, the sky thundered on above him. The rain had ceased to pelt his body, but lights still flashed across the sky––and the strange colors remained.

He took after the silver-furred commander and a couple soldiers who led the way. According to Sylfr, the queen was a little preoccupied with their own battle against the Leafborn. Peace from the Flame Skulk would change everything.

Colborn wasn't so sure. He'd escaped the pull of power, a lust for blood and glory. It was up to each skulk to do the same.

A storm was brewing; he only hoped he could stop it in time.


Everything was dark. Skadi trudged along, shoved from behind by Karina. She could tell from the shrill groans that emerged every so often.

Her face still stung from the queen's claws. Her eye burned with a liquid fire, and she wished that the vixen would've had enough mercy to just tear it from the socket. Instead, she left her with another scar. At least Skadi would never see it.

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