Author's Note

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Alas, we arrive at the end. It's been a long and painful journey, for both myself and these characters, but I'm so happy to finally mark this book complete!

From staying in word-count, to finding motivation to write when my mood had hit a low, then finally making the time to edit and finalize this story, the struggle was real. Everyone who attempts ONC has the utmost respect from myself. Even if you didn't finish this year, even if you don't pass the next round or have the success you're hoping for, give yourself a huge pat on the back for giving it your best shot.

As stressful as it was, writing this novella was a blast. The world of Eventyr has been stuck in my drafts for a long time, and even longer in my head. ONC seems to be a great way to jump start story ideas that have become old and stale, and I'm happy to say that my prompt came together with the story much better than I thought it would. What are your experiences with the competition, your struggles with your prompt? I'd love to hear them!

I truly couldn't have stuck with it if it weren't some great friends of mine, supporting this story along its rocky path. You know who you are, and likely have a dedication floating around here somewhere! That's not to say that I don't appreciate each and every person who reads, votes, and comments on this story. It means the absolute world that my small, strange, animal-pov story has found favor in your eyes. I've been drowning lately and don't yet have time to reply, but I'll get to your awesome comments soon, I promise!

That said, I ask you now for any final thoughts. The way it is currently is not how this story will stay when it reaches its polished and finished form––if ever, lol. There's so much world-building to dive into, characters and relationships to develop, and secrets to unfold. Let me know if there's anything specific you'd like to see more of in a future draft, because it may influence this story's rewrite (and its eventual sequel) when the time comes.

The ONC community is truly an awesome one, and I leave you all with a final thanks for supporting me and this rushed story. It has many flaws that I'm willing to accept and look forward to improving. I'm glad to have finally gotten this small passion project of mine rolling, and I hope my story and yours one day achieve the greatness they deserve.

Best of luck with ONC, writing, and life itself.


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