Season1 episode 1:Reality what'!!!!

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Luna's Pov:
"Oh my gosh! where is my makeup kit?!"
"Can someone lower the volume of the music?!"
"Someone call my manager!"
"Ohhhhh, I look good today."
"U guys are saurrrrrrr not ethical."
Oh god, another day and is soooo and still chaotic. What am I going to do with these girls.
"Lunaaaaaaaa!! can u call the manager for me? I can't find my $100000 earrings, and I think I am gonna dieeeee!!" My younger sister Khloe cried out.
"Ohhhh, come on, you don't have a manager now, so find it yourself!" I shouted.
"You are saurrrr not ethicallll uhhhhhhh!" She shouted back. I was about to get up when I got a call from someone. It was our parents. Oh my, what do they have to say this week? That a dog swallowed my dad's wallet? or he got his head stuck in the fence?
"Heyyyyyyy was the poops." I greeted.
"Mmmmm, first off. WHAT THE HECK is 'was the poops'? secondly, we are doing great, and lastly, get Ur sisters here. We have some news for you guysss~" She sang the last part.
"Ohk, did dad do something this time because if it is him, then you know we ain't coming."
"No, Luna is actually about you guys, so get here fast."
"Oh ok, bu -".
"No buts girlllll, you guys should get here fast byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mwuahhhhh." She cut me off. I sighed, knowing it was going to be hard to gather these girls.
"Guyssss come down here fast." I screamed. I got a couple of 'I am busy and 'naurrrrrr'. I sighed again. I thought of what to say to make them come downstairs. My eyes lit up when I got an idea.
"Girlz's!! I got some tickets for Miami." I screamed. Within a second, I heard huge footsteps coming downstairs.
"For real!!" They screamed simultaneously with widened eyes and smiling faces.
"Yep, but we are not going today, we have to go and take the tickets from mom since we are going on Saturday." I exclaimed quite cheerfully.
They all run upstairs to get ready, and we left for our parents' mansion. People might wonder why we live away from our parents, but mom said. "Maybe living together and relying on each other can help with your sisterly bond." Of course, it didn't. We are just too chaotic.

About 20 minutes later, we reached our parents' mansion and were immediately let in. We entered just to see photographers taking pictures for my mom's Instagram and dad reading newspapers (how boring).
As soon as mom saw us, she dismissed the photographers and sat us down in the living room. The maids brought us snacks, and then we started to eat.
"How are y'all doing?" Mom asked.
"Cool," Surana replied.
"Ok, I guess," Khloe replied.
"Fine," Hannah replied.
"Ok," Halsey replied.
"I'm good," Hailey replied.
"I'm doing great, mom," I replied.
"Anywayssss mom where is our ticket to Miami," Khloe asked eagerly.
"Mm mm that can be arranged, but that's not why I called you here," Mom replied in disinterest.
Mom's words caused the girls to turn towards me in anger. Surana, Khloe, and Halsey looked like they could kill me, so mom had to interrupt.
"Ok, so it seems like the living arrangements still didn't help you bond, so your dad and I decided to sign you up for a reality t.v show." Mom said with a huge smile on her face.
"A REALITY WHAT!!!!???" We all screamed out.
"It was all your mom's idea, BTW," Dad butted in.
"Shut up, Christopher! it was both our ideas!" Mom shouted out.
"I don't care whose idea this is, but I'm not going to be put in a reality show!" Surana exclaimed.
"Same here," we all said in agreement.
"Young ladies, you are all going to take part into the t.v show whether you like it or not. Understand!!?" Mom screamed.
"Yes Mom!" We all said in unison.
" Ok, now that this has been taken care of, the show begins after your graduation. This might help you behave yourselves since you will have cameras on you most of the time," Mom explained.
"But what about college?" Hannah asked.
"Yeh and our dreams," Hailey added.
"Babiessss, you really thought I've not thought that far?" Mom asked with a raised eyebrow.
"I've hired some of the smartest lecturers in the world to give you online and physical classes depending on your schedules to teach you off screen, so no problem."

"And I have already gotten the camera man, manager, producer, and the rest of the crew," she continued.

"But mommmmmmmmmmmmmaaaa, I was about to plan for the business I wanted to own," She whined while stomping her feet and pouting. The rest of the sisters just shook their head and said, "Classical Khloe."

"Guys, I don't think it is a bad idea though," Luna said.

"Hear comes the nerd," Halsey rolled her eyes.
"No one wants to hear what you're going to say. You are just trying to suck up to mom."Surana said, rolling her eyes
"Nyeahhhh." The others added
Uhhh, why do they hate me so much.
"Saurrrrr, who is going to be our manager?" Hannah asked
"It's going to be your cousin Oliver." Mom replied whiles starring at her phone
"Isn't he 17 he's still young." I said with my eyebrow, raised
"He may be 17, but he's more than qualified to be your manager. You are 19 and now completing high school, but he is 17 and already starting his masters degree. A real prodigy if you ask me." Mom said without a care
"OUCH! how embarrassing." I heard the others say
"Besides, he volunteered, and I know you guys are very close to him."Dad added
"Ok, we accept. It's not like we have a choice." Hailey said sighing.
"Ok babiessss you can leave and return to your duties and before I forget the head of the crew is called Hayden." Mom said running upstairs, probably late for an interview
"Ok Mom bye Mom bye dad!" We all said in unison before leaving.

This is going to be quite hectic
OK, guysssss please vote if you like this chapter saurrrr Nyeahhhhhh. Chapter two will be coming soonnn. Please comment if you want more clarification byeeeee

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