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--Third person's pov---
Right now, the girls, with the exception of Luna, have arrived at the new house and are getting out of the Austic bus(given to them by their parents for the show)

"Wow, this house looks majestic it's even bigger than our old house!" Anna yelled in astonishment.

"Obviously! It's way bigger because we have more guests!" Halsey said sassily.

"Enough with the talking, and let's get inside. I heard that the placement of the rooms is still the same." Surana said while entering the house.

"Yhhhh, choosing a room would have been troublesome." Khloe agreed.

With that, the girls entered the house just to receive a chorus of greetings from 3 maids.

"Good morning, madams."
"We were sent her by your parents to serve you, and I'm the Head maid kendra." The maid in the centre said.

"Ok then, since the three of you have been here longer, do you mind showing us around?" Hailey asked politely.

"No problem, madame," the 2 unamed maids answered with kendra rudely, saying,

"Ummm ok".

The girls completely ignored her with Khloé giving her the side eye and followed the two unamed maids around the house and stared in astonishment at the intricate designs the house had to offer.

The maids first took them to the garage where their cars were neatly packed. Then they were shown the 2 kitchens, one personally for the girls and the other for the maids to prepare food for the girls. Then they were shown the 3 living rooms, the pool and jacuzzi area, the summer hut, the guest bedrooms, etc.

The last place they were shown was their rooms. Each room had a sign signifying whose room it was. They entered eachothers rooms and were mesmerised.

"Guyssss our old rooms were top-notch but this! This is beyond comparison!" Hannah yelled in amazement.

"Ikr! Mom and Dad really out did themselves!" Hailey added.

"Our old walk-in closets were big, but this is massive!" Hannah yelled.

The maids continued showing them around the house, and after they ended up in the main living room.

"Madams, please, Lady Norissa told us to inform you that we will be staying in the Eastern wing, and the crew will be staying in the western wing." Unamed maid 1 said
"Your makeup artists, nail tech, designers, and stylists, assistants, and some of the crew members will stay in the northern wing." Unamed maid 2 added.

"Yh, whatever. which will leave the southern wing, central wing, and the outside rooms." Kendra said bossily

"Ok, first off, rude much! Girl, just because you are the head maid doesn't mean you can just disrespect the junior maids like that. So adjust your attitude a bit." Halsey said sasily.

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