𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐬

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𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:  𝟑.𝟕𝐤



I was woken that morning by a blinding light, and a sudden chill. I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep, while waiting for someone to come get me.. I guess they decided to stay an extra night, since it was late after the ceremony ended?

Regardless, I squinted my eyes, trying to get them adjust to the room. That's when I realized I wasn't alone- there was two Nuns standing over me, a small grin plastering both of their faces, my blanket in one's hands and I realized my curtains must have been opened by the other.

"Rini..! We must get you ready! Your family is waiting for you!~"

..The Nuns were never this nice to me. What was going on?

"Huh-?" Before I could even get a word out, I was picked up and placed on her shoulder- now that was surprising! If they couldn't bother to feed me before, why would they bother carrying me!?

"R-Rini can walk by herself!!" I whined, squirming in her arms as she almost jogged out of the village lodgings, the other Nun following close behind us. It felt so weird, almost humiliating, to be carried around like a baby. Maybe it's because I've never experienced it? Either way, I didn't like it.

"No can-do, Rini! We're on limited time, you don't want to be late to getting to Obelia, do you?"

..Oh. So that's what this is all about. They're just excited to get rid of me and not have to deal with me anymore.

Well.. You know what? I'm excited, too!! I can't wait to be rid of you awful people! We both wanna get this done quick, so don't be snarky, kay!?

We quickly arrived at the bathhouse - it was a communal one, but it wasn't at all dirty.

It.. might be a bit nasty, but to be honest, I didn't get to bathe that much. It was kind of my own fault though, since I hated bathing when there was other people in there with me, I'd have to wait until no one was in there - and that was usually at night, right before we all went to bed and everything would get locked up.

Least to say.. I'm an expert at taking quick showers!

The removed my clothes (as embarrassing as that was..) and all but dropped me on the wooden stool. She took a metal hose and held it over me, telling me to hurry up and scrub myself clean with the soap.

I want to get out of here as fast as possible too, lady!

The water was cold, and the soap in my hair already started stinging my eyes. But nothing could ruin my mood today!! I'd finally be out of reach from Grandfather and Nehelenia, and whatever their weird plan for me is.

After I finished bathing, I was quickly dressed and the Nun even brushed my hair. I doubt it was from kindness, she just likely didn't wanna present the Emperor's daughter with a tangled wet mop of hair.

I stepped outside of the bathhouse feeling.. good. Refreshed, and excited. Hopeful, even. I rarely got to feel that way in my current life, and even my past one. It was.. a welcomed feeling.

The Nuns led me to the docks. I was kind of expecting it to just be Athy and Claude there, but to my surprise, there was a whole crowd of people waiting to send us off. I mean, I guess it made sense, when I thought about it; Claude's an Emperor, after all.

We stood in the clearing; all eyes of Tirvitae at us, on me.. I looked ahead at the figures in front of me, shadowed slightly by the blinding light beyond the treetops. Athy turned her head, giving me a slightly unsure, but kind smile.

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