Echoes From The Deep (by Lady Eckland)

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"The chained ghosts of our past can drag us into the abyss unless we find the light to force them back into the depths

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"The chained ghosts of our past can drag us into the abyss unless we find the light to force them back into the depths."

Starring Horror73 as Stephen Sullivan
Based on a idea by Horror73

The dream always began the same way. Stephen found himself aboard the grand ocean liner Lusitania, surrounded by elaborately dressed passengers chatting gaily as they strolled the polished wooden decks. Despite the festive atmosphere, an unnamed dread crept up Stephen's spine. He knew what was coming, but could only watch helplessly as the tragedy unfolded.

The torpedo struck without warning, sending a shockwave through the ship that knocked Stephen off his feet. Chaos erupted as the Lusitania listed hard to starboard. Passengers screamed and scrambled for lifebelts. The angle of the deck grew steeper, items sliding loose across the floorboards. Cold salt water rushed in as the ship began its rapid descent to the bottom of the sea.

Stephen grappled for a handhold, his heart pounding. Icy water swirled around his legs, then his waist and chest. He took a last, desperate gulp of air as the black waves closed over his head. The screams and roar of rushing water gave way to the creaking groan of the ship settling on the ocean floor two miles below. Dark shapes of debris drifted past in the murky glow. Stephen's lungs burned for breath...

And he would wake, tangled in his sheets and drenched in a cold sweat. The same dream, three nights in a row now. Always ending with him trapped there in the sunken ship, lungs screaming.

He lay still, waiting for his pounding heart to slow as the familiar surroundings of his bedroom came into focus in the dim morning light. *Just a dream,* he told himself. But this recurring vision felt like more than just a bad dream. It was happening for a reason. The question was...what?

A harsh squawk from the bedside phone made Stephen jump. He fumbled for the receiver.


"Stephen, it's Dr. Talbot," said the familiar brisk voice of his psychiatrist. "I'm calling to confirm your appointment today." 

Stephen sighed, scrubbing a hand over his face. "Of course. Four o'clock, right?" 

"Yes. We need to discuss these dreams you've been having. I have some...concerns. Call me if anything changes." She hung up without another word.

Typical Talbot, always worried about her patients. Stephen couldn't blame her though. These repetitive nightmares were not normal, not for someone with hismedical history.

Swinging his legs out of bed, he sat there waiting for the room to stop rocking. The post-nightmare vertigo was back. Closing his eyes, Stephen focused on his breathing until the sensation passed. The dreams were clearly starting to affect him even while awake now.

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