More Than A Hunch - Part 2

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(3rd Person POV) 

"You saved her." Hayley says to Daniel as they walked through the Greenhouse hallways. "She'll never forget that." 

"She'll never forget she was only with me because my mom hypnotized her." Daniel says.

"Yeah, but she can't blame you for that." Hayley shrugs. "You did everything you could once you realized something was wrong." 

"You know, maybe it's too bad I realized." Daniel wonders out loud. 

"Really?" Hayley asks. "You'd rather stay with her in that condition." 

"Of course not." He sighs. "But I'd also rather not know my mom... How could she do that to her. I mean your mom was a wonderful woman and a hero, and she's dead. My mom is alive and well and I can't even look her in the eye." 

"You'll be okay, won't you?" She asks. 

"I just wanna know what's going on." He nods. 

"Me too." 

"You know, with the Eagles winning attitude and the Ravens strategic thinking, we make a pretty good team." He smiles. They came out of the hallways into the main foyer that had the stair case that lead to both clubhouses. They both stayed silent noticing Kiara sitting at one of the bean bags at the bottom of the stairs. Ear buds in both ears, while she was lacing up her shoes. "Hey, you head up, I'm going talk to her." 

"Please do." Hayley says quietly. "She's driving my brother insane." Hayley continues up the stairs. Daniel walks over and plops himself down on the seat next to her and takes the ear bud out of her ear. 

"Uhm, hello?" She asks. "Can I help you?"

"Whatcha doing?" He asks back. 

"I need to get a run in." She answers.

"I saw Alex and Sophie heading out on a run," Daniel says. "Why didn't you just go with them?" She never answered. "Kia, out of everyone here, we've known each other the longest. I've known you longer than Parker, longer than Brooke. We've had our ups and downs, but I was there for you when you got out of surgery. I helped you get back on the court after surgery. You helped me realize I was being an ass after I got hurt. And I needed that. You gotta be straight with me, what is going on?"

"You're right, I have known you forever," She says. "And I know how smart you are." She stood from her seat. "You know there's something going on. If you think about it long enough, you'll figure it out. But I can't be the one to tell you." With that she was gone, leaving Daniel, and the Woods siblings who watched from the top of the stairs. Daniel shrugs as he walks to the top to meet them. 

"Sorry dude." He says to Alex. "I can't figure her out."

"You and me both." Alex sighs. "Thanks for trying, though." Daniel kept walking past them, giving Hayley a nod, signaling to tell her brother. Alex had turned back to his sister. "I appreciate him trying to help, but do you really have to be running off with this guy?"

"Alex, we aren't together." Hayley says. "We were never together."

"So why were you going around telling people you were?" He asks. 

"Wow, well word travels fast." Hayley chuckles, "But we had to pretend to be a couple so no one would be suspicious."

"Suspicious of what?"

"Well... it's a long story. But I'll tell you everything."


"Look Leo, I know I've been mean to you lately, and I know I keep avoiding you." Hayley says to Leo after she came to seem him in the music studio. After sneaking past Aspen. 

"Last time you agreed to be with me, we nearly drowned." Leo adds. 

"Yeah, I know." She nods. "And I never thanked you for jumping in to save me."

"You don't need to." 

"So anyway, about what you saw." Hayley continues. "It really wasn't—"

"Okay, look, I really don't want to talk about it, so um..."

"Leo listen, Daniel and I aren't actually together." Hayley says.

"Really?" He asks. 

"Like I told my brother, It's a long story, but we had to pretend to be a couple so no one would figure out what we were really up to." She answers

"What were you up to."

"It's a secret." She says. "But I'm going to tell you anyway." 

She told him every single detail about the last week. Everything about finding the safe behind her moms mirror, all the way to finally waking Brooke up. 

"No one else can know about this Leo." Hayley says. "I couldn't keep this from you any longer."

"Why not go to the police?" Leo asks. 

"I wanted to at first, but my dads and FBI agent." She shrugs. "I know from his experience without any proof, no one will take us seriously." 

"Well you know somethings going on near the cave. We could send police to investigate, and we could figure-"

"No, it's to risky." She shakes her head. "We don't know who else is involved." 

"Involved in what?" 

"That's just it, we don't know." 


"Soph!" Brooke runs up to her in the clubhouse.  "Have you seen Kia?" 

"No, and I'm sick of people asking me that question." Sophie dryly answers. "I'm over it." 

"Okay?" Brooke says. She had not a clue what Sophie meant, as she doesn't remember most of the last week. "You haven't seen her."


Brooke kept walking and spotted her walking past the windows that looked to the hallway, and she took off running, throwing open the clubhouse door.

"Kia!" She yells. "Kia, wait! Where you headed?"

"Uh- no where." She answers, continuing to walk.

"I need to talk to you. There's a lot I need to tell you." Brooke follows her. "A lot has happened that you need to know about."


"Long story short, I don't remember most of the last week because Judy Hayward hypnotized me to keep a secret that I wasn't supposed to know, but I don't even know. Hayley and Daniel woke me up." Brooke starts to ramble. "Now me and Daniel are going to dinner with our parents, and I have to pretend to be hypnotized so Judy doesn't find out and I have to find Emma's chess set because there might be a clue."


"Yeah I know, it's a lot for me too." Brooke says. "You can't tell anyone. We don't know what's going on and who we can trust, but I trust you." 

"Brooke." Daniel comes around the corner. "Hey Kia. Brooke we gotta get going."

"I have to get to dinner." Brooke says. "I'll tell you even more later okay?"

"Uh- yeah, yeah okay." Kiara nods and just kept walking.

"Did you tell her?" Daniel asks after Kiara had left. 

"I had to." Brooke answers.

"But we don't know who we can trust." Daniel says. 

"Daniel its Kia, you can trust her." She says. 

"I thought I could trust my mom, you thought you could trust Jason." He says, "Look where we are know." 

A/N - sorry for the short chapter, but I'm sick and going through writers block. But hey got this part done haha. Love y'all!

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