I Have Nothing Left

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I can't picture my love without feeling blue
I can't think of my future without wanting to puke
I hate that you robbed its innocence
I hate that you stole it from me
The same thoughts that kept me alive
It now brings me sorrow
How dare you taint it?
How dare you set it alight?

I can't even face it anymore
My heart longs yet I refuse
I want the magic and the sighs
I want to feel that hope
I want a lover in my home
I want the charm and the beauty
I want purity of it all

But I can't anymore
Instead I feel dread and despair
I picture her and you stare back at me
Sharp tongue waiting for a trip of the wire
A vine that chokes the flower

I mourn the lost
I miss the lost
It's all I had
But now I have nothing left


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