Chapter 33

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"Bye, do come early!I'll wait for you." Dylan says.
"Yeaaaa!"Hannah yells while running towards the metro station.
Seeing her run, Dylan laughs at her cuteness and slowly he closes the door.
"Cute"he whispers to himself. And walked towards the living room.
He seated himself onto the couch and with a poker face he says in his deep, serious tone,"Let's begin."
And with that he swirls his fingers into the air and tried to lift the bottle which was on the table. He closed his eyes tight and with all his powers, he tried to lift it but.....
They all went in vain, nothing happened. He was sweating profusely, he just exhales and sighs in despair.
Then he stands up and goes towards her bedroom. Why?
There, he stood infront of the mirror and saw his reflection for a while.
"Indeed, I've changed." He says while looking at his face, details and everything.
Then, he pushed the antique, huge mirror aside.Why?

On other hand, Hannah reached her company and searched for Jennie.
"Hey!How're you gurl? " Hannah asks Jennie with mischievous eyes.
"I'm all okay, my gurl" Jennies says while winking at her, unaware of that someone's love filled eyes were adoring her.
Hannah's gaze shifts towards Blake and she gives him teasing smile to Blake.
"Oh! You , yaa... you go and show my templates to Blake please eee." Jennie says to Hannah.
Hannah made an annoyed face and said,"Again, you're avoiding him. Why?Jennie?Why"
"Pleaseeeee, Hannah!"Jennie says wile handovering her laptop and rushing towards the restroom.
"Hey!wait."Hannah exclaims but getting no response, she goes towards Blake who was adoring Jennie from far.
"Why didn't she come? Why did she ran away?"Blake asks while crossing his arms onto his chests.
"She's embarrassed."Hannah says bluntly.
"Why?" Blake whines with a sad face.
"Think yourself & just free me by seeing these templates of Jennie's last four designs." Hannah says nonchalantly while updating the designs.
"Mmm, All templates are very good."Blake says while examining the templates.
"Atlast, it's made by Jennei"Hannah says and later whisper into his ears,"Aka your crush."
And with that, Blake's ears turned red and he started sweating, he shifts his gaze towards Hannah and glares at her. Hannah giggles at his shy condition. And later, she pats his shoulder and says,"Confess her already, or else..."
"Or else?"Blake asks absent mindedly.
Hannah says while shrugging,"your loss." And with that, she took the laptop in her hand and walked towards her desk.

Well, Jennie had seen them talking each other and had misunderstood them completely, she whispers to herself,"You must avoid him for better future." And with that she wiped her tears that were going to flow from her tears welled up eyes.
"Hey!Jennie designs were mind blowing."Blake says while coming towards her desk.
She just says,"Thanks." And with that she hangs her bag onto her shoulders. Then, She walks towards the exit.
"You going?"Blake asks
"My work has been completed."Jennie replies and goes out of the company.

Well, yea Blake followed her yet again with his car until she reached her house safely.

On other hand, Hannah was cooperating with her team in compiling all the designs.

At 4.30 p.m. She was done with her work and was finally freed from the tight schedules she was working for the past days. With a wide smile on her face and thoughts of Dylan, she left the company and took the metro.
It wasn't crowded much. She had gotten a seat to sit. She sat there and thought about Dylan,"What's his past?Why is he not revealing his past?What's the truth?I must find out!"

Soon enough, she reached her station. She got off on the station and started walking towards her house. She saw up in the sky. There were many white clouds decorating the blue canvas of sky. She got reminded of the moment when Dylan showed her the beauty of brightness. She smiles looking at the sky and swiftly removes her phone. She clicks a beautiful picture of the sky,"I'll show it to Dylan." She exclaims.
And with that she runs towards her house, she knocked the door and suddenly she could hear a voice of someone running from her house.
And in a moment, the door swung open. She entered the house and looked at Dylan who was showcasing his charming smile. His hairs were all messy and had hovered onto his eyes. His dark yet deep eyeballs were onto Hannah.
Hannah stood there still looking at him and being lost in her tiny dreamworld.
"You're home! You came early!"Dylan exclaims while taking her bag which hung on her shoulder.
Hannah nods as a response and goes towards the couch. She sits there and Dylan brings a cup of water for her,"Here, Princess."
"Oh, thank you Prince"Hannah says in a teasing tone.
"How was your day?"Dylan asks casually while sitting beside her.
"Good! What about yours?" Hannah says while gulping the water.
"Miraculous"Dylan says while thinking about his sudden change in powers making Hannah look at him in confusion.
"Umm, Nothing!" Dylan tried clearing her confusion.
"What do you mean?"Hannah asks.
"Nothing, Are you hungry? Wanna eat something?" Dylan asks
Hannah nods as a response.
Dylan runs towards the kitchen and brings out a bowl of rice with some meat pieces on top of it accompanied with an omellete.
"Woah!Did u made this?"Hannah asks while looking at the variety.
Dylan nods and says,"Eat and tell how's it?"
Hannah takes a bite and she tells,"Woah! It's so tastyy."
"Really?" Dylan asks with a spark of happiness being ignified in his eyes.
Hannah saw the happiness in his eyes which gave her the warmth of a family, which she had longed for a long time.
She smiled widely and ate the yummy dish with Dylan.
"I'm eating homemade food after so long! Woah!"Hannah exclaims while looking at the floor.
Later she adds with tears starting to form in her eyes,"I last ate homemade food when I was 13 years old.Since then, I've been eating in the orphanage canteen and now at cafes and restaurants."
And with that she slowly looks towards Dylan. He slowly hovered his palms onto her cheeks and wiped her tears. He hugs her and pats her back and says,"Don't cry, Princess. It's alright!"
Hannah hugged him back and nods.

A/N:-Lil boring chp
Sorry guys!



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