Chapter 1 - Put On a Happy Face

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"You're supposed to $%#&ing smile, Pomni!" Zooble's hoarse scream reverberated throughout the big top. "Are you stupid?! We can't finish the new intro if you aren't @#$%ing smiling!"

"Leave. Me. Alone!" Pomni, denied the catharsis of slinging her sailor's mouth, expressed her disdain with her middle fingers instead. She only ended up seething harder, however, when a pair of other-dimensional censor bars appeared to obscure the rude gestures.

"Oh! So that's how you want to play it, Puffball?" Zooble narrowed her eyes, limping toward the jester with as much aggression as their awkwardly-constructed body would allow — which, for the record, wasn't very much.

Ragatha had seen enough. "Relax!" She raised her voice, swooping vigilantly between the bickering belligerents. "Both of you!"

Gangle, moping off to the side, sniveled pitifully. In all the commotion, her comedy mask had been shattered. For the second time. This morning. "Guys...! Please, just stop fighting..."

Jax crossed his legs, reclining smartly against Kinger's impenetrable pillow fort. "Can it, crybaby. This is the best entertainment we've had in years!" He flicked a piece of popcorn into the air and caught it in his mouth. Meanwhile, a vibrating Kinger poked his eyes out from between two pillows, saying nothing and everything at the same time.

Ragatha's good-natured attempts to keep the peace were all for naught. She flinched out of the way of Zooble's punch — but before the strike could connect, a floating boxing bell materialized out of nowhere, piercing the air with a shrill shriek.

"Now, now! There's no need for that!" Caine's wagging finger appeared beside the bell, followed shortly after by the rest of the entity. He lifted his tophat, and a cheesing Bubble gingerly drifted out.

"Naughty, naughty~" Bubble chomped his teeth.

Caine snapped his fingers, and an unseen force pushed Pomni and Zooble apart. "The Amazing Digital Circus — copyright 1996 C&A Incorporated, all rights reserved — is a magical, marvelous CD-Romp for all ages! Zany shenanigans and cartoon mischief I can abide, but outright violence? Strictly out of the question!"

With a grunt, Zooble spiked their arm against the floor. "What are we supposed to do, then!? We're on take fifty-seven of your dumb@%$ theme song because poor little Pomni thinks she's the main character of the universe!"

Pomni responded to that, but whatever she said, it was profane enough to be scrubbed out entirely.

"Yes, well..." Caine crossed his arms, steeped in careful thought. The last hour-and-a-half of unusable footage played back through his mismatched eyeballs in a matter of seconds. "It's nothing we can't fix in post."

Zooble swiped their discarded arm off the ground and crammed it back into its empty socket. "Great. Then you can edit me in, too." They stormed off, reciprocating Pomni's earlier gesture. "Eat $@#%, sad sack."

Jax sighed. "Aw, shucks. Right when things were getting good..."

"Uh...!" Caine skipped a beat. He swiveled toward the five circus members still gathered beneath the big top. "Well, then!" he elbowed his soap bubble companion, "Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, Bubble! As for the rest of you, consider yourselves off the hook for the rest of the day — my treat! Take some personal time, get some sleep, and try your darndest not to dwell on the soul-crushing scale of eternity!"

"I have no soul!" Bubble turned upside-down. "So I don't mind it one bit!"

"You and me both, old pal!" Caine's laugh sounded forced and unnatural.

There was a pause. Gangle glanced around, then meekly raised her ribbony hand. "But what about—"

"Go on, now! I won't take no for an answer!" the ringmaster stabbed the air with his cane, "I want you all in tip-top condition for tomorrow's wacky adventure!"

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