Chapter 5 - And Fresh-Fallen Rain

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It was only a matter of time before Pomni blinked herself awake.

Wave after wave of pulsing pain, synchronized with the beat of her heart, relentlessly pounded the back of her skull. A landscape of crimson curls, wild weeds, and shimmering stars expanded, contracted, and twisted before her half-lidded eyes. The disorienting sight was more than enough to make her stomach do flips — and fail to stick the landing every single time.

But even so, it was hard to feel anything but content.

The wind was fierce and frigid, but Pomni didn't know it. She didn't feel the bitter cold, even as gale after freezing gale slashed her skin like the crack of a whip. All the pain in the world wouldn't have phased her, not as long as the wind's touch highlighted the slightly-wet spots where Ragatha's lips had so lovingly grazed her face.

Stalks of overgrown grass wavered as a brisk squall flew across the yard; a palette of fallen leaves, which just so happened to be sleeping in its path, was cast into the sky. Red, yellow, orange, and brown — the cozy colors swished and swirled through the air, then drifted back to their resting spot below the jungle-like lawn.

It only took a moment for the breeze to return. Coming from the other direction now, it passed through Ragatha's red yarn hair before pummeling Pomni's face. All at once, the saccharine aroma of the ragdoll's locks — strawberries and soil and fresh-fallen rain — introduced itself.

And it was heavenly.

Pomni's eyelids drooped further, and a dumb, wobbly smile blossomed on her face. As her tiny arms wrapped around Ragatha's plush, guffawing belly, she didn't worry about how embarrassed she was to have fainted, or what Ragatha's little kisses had meant, or why someone like her even deserved to be treated with such affection. Those pesky doubts were for future Pomni to agonize over; for now, they crumbled to pieces with each precious peak of Ragatha's laughter.

"Oh! There she is!" Ragatha flinched as Pomni's arms enfolded her. "I was starting to worry I up and killed you..."

"Nope! Still kicking." Pomni chirped, "But just barely..."

Slowly, Ragatha's giggles began to peter out, but their spirit still tickled every word she spoke. "Goodness me — aren't you in a good mood! Your head didn't hit the ground too hard, did it?"

Pomni waffled. She decided not to tell Ragatha about the big lump on the back of her head — the redhead would just worry herself sick, after all. "...I'm fine. Just a little bit dizzy."

"I really am sorry." Ragatha placed her soft hands atop Pomni's, idly dragging her digits across the jester's worn leather gloves. "I should have warned you before I..." she paused. "Well, y'know..."

Pomni could feel the heat rising in Ragatha's hands. She waited patiently for her to finish, but as the silence dragged on, it became increasingly clear that she'd have to be the one to break it.

"No, it's okay! Really! I just, um, wasn't expecting...that. And if you think about it, it was actually my fault. I wouldn't have fainted if I had just listened—"

"No, no! It was sweet! I don't know. I just figured..." Ragatha said, a nervous tilt to her tone, "...since you were having so much fun getting into your character, I ought to return the favor." Ragatha's hands were twitching now, "And..."

Somewhere nearby, a ladybug crested a wobbling blade of grass, flitted its wings, then buzzed away to who-knows-where. Another brisk gust wandered through the dilapidated yard, sending an armada of dandelion seeds sailing swiftly through the air.

"And...?" Again, Pomni was the one to shatter the silence.

"Oh, nevermind." Ragatha forced out a laugh. Pomni swore she could hear the woman's blush. "I think I've just got an overactive imagination."

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