Chapter 7 - Only Human

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A thin ribbon of carpet, stretching just as far into infinity as the narrow corridor itself, explored distant depths soaked in darkness. A never-ending chain of chandeliers spanned the ceiling, cracked bulbs flickering in and out as they pleased. The experience was disorienting, to say the least — cruel and unusual torture, to say a little bit more.

There was but a single source of reliable light in the entire hallway: the unassuming windows staged on the eastern wall in neat little quintets. Each glass-paned portal hosted a pair of tattered curtains that fluttered carelessly with the rhythm of the wind.

Assorted furniture was scattered along the periphery, breaking up the tiring monotony of it all. An odd, uncanny energy surrounded their existence. Nothing besides the occasional lamp was mounted upon the dust-caked tables, and only a handful of random knick-knacks found home on the bookshelves. Nothing seemed to be placed with any thought or purpose in mind, as if something non-human were desperately attempting to construct a convincing facsimile of a sprawling Edwardian mansion, but couldn't quite get it right. It understood what to place, and where — but the why it couldn't fully grasp.

The subtle horror made Ragatha's insides quiver — but, all told, it could have been worse. At the very least, she was here in Pomni's arms, where the chilling bite of the unknown was soothed by the warm glow of her touch, where the steady rhythm of Pomni's footfalls wrapped her up in a blanket of sameness and security.

Step, step, step.

Ragatha snuggled Pomni's chest, her head positioned perfectly to hear the rhythm of the young woman's heartbeat. It was racing. Pomni must have been so tired, so exhausted, so ready to collapse in a heap and call it quits. But instead, she persisted, pushing her body and mind to the absolute limit. All for Ragatha's sake.

The plain little ragdoll closed her eyes. She pulled deep, contented breaths from her core, pressing her forehead firmly against the jester's chest. If only this adventure could go on forever. If only she and Pomni could remain just like this — a helpless princess and her dashing savior — until the day they finally escaped into the outside world, hand-in-hand.

Step, step, step.

Pomni passed by another quintet of windows. Ragatha shivered as a chilly draft snuck through a crack in the glass pane. Its whistling entrance, performing in duet with the tittering of bats, chipped the unbroken facade of silence.

"Hey. Pomni...?"

The jester kept on moving, but her stride was a touch closer to walking than it had been before. Her gaze flicked towards her chest — or rather, the big bundle of red yarn resting snugly against it. "Yeah? What's up?"

"I've just been thinking," Ragatha's finger teased little circles around Pomni's back, "what are we going to get up to when this is all over?"

Pomni hesitated. "When we escape the Circus?"

"When this adventure is over."

"Oh. W-Well, uh..." Pomni cleared her throat, "I haven't really thought about it."

"Well, I happen to have a few ideas up my sleeve..." Ragatha smirked. It was difficult not to swoon, or snicker, or let out one of those satisfied sighs that relieved the pressure built up by a love-swollen heart. "Since we're so...close now, why don't I show you around my bedroom? We could have a sleepover, just you and me. Does that sound fun?"

"Um...!" Pomni's whole body turned five degrees warmer. "S-Sure! Uh. Yeah! Okay! That could be, uh, f-f-fun..."

"You have those big letter blocks in your room, don't you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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