Chapter 6 - Radiant

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Vanilla and dried leaves and crisp morning air.

Ragatha savored the feminine aura that enveloped her, hands shivering as they strangled the silky fabric of Pomni's tunic. She leaned in, pressing harder. A delightful, breathy sound snuck out of the corners of her mouth as Pomni's lips yielded to hers. They were soft. Sweet. The warmest thing she'd ever tasted.

"Pomni..." Ragatha drifted at last from the cozy embrace, breath shuddering in sync with the rest of her body. Her good eye peeked open just a crack. Her hands turned slack and listless. One-by-one, her fingers lost their grip on Pomni's tunic until, inevitably, she felt herself falling.

Pomni caught her, of course — Ragatha knew that she would.

Safe and secure in the arms of her fearless knight, Ragatha pulled her legs toward her core, making herself small. Her eyelids dragged fully open. It had felt like an eternity since she'd last looked at that gorgeous face, and she couldn't stand to wait a single second longer.

Pomni's hesitant smile, framed by her perennial blush, regarded Ragatha from up above. Ragatha's face bloomed to match it. The jester brightened, too — just a little.

God. Radiant.

"Um..." Pomni's expression dimmed again as she swallowed, her pupils wandering here and there. "How was that?"

Wonderful. Absolutely, unbelievably, impossibly wonderful. Ragatha had never felt this particular kind of rush before — the kind that made her head feel fuzzy, that made her limbs start to tingle, that made her heart beat so quickly and unendingly that it actually hurt.

If any of her past romantic rendezvous were any indication, Ragatha had been sure that all those romance novels she used to read on her lunch breaks had been exaggerating. She didn't think it was actually possible to become breathless at the mere thought of another person. Or that a single pair of eyes could actually make the whole world cease to exist — yet here she was, cuddled up in this little woman's big, strong arms, stupidly in love.

There was no chance in hell she'd actually say any of that sickeningly-saccharine fluff out loud, though. Goodness gracious, could you imagine? No, Ragatha's love language was a little bit more subtle than that — and, contrary to her usual way of conducting herself, a tad meaner, too.

"Hmph." Ragatha crossed her arms, pointing her face toward the ballroom's lofty windows. She pursed her lips to conceal a sly smirk. "Just as I suspected..."

Pomni crinkled her brow. "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing! Just..." Ragatha spun her ankle, "Nevermind."

"Nevermind!? What do you mean 'nevermind'? You can't just leave me hanging like that!"

"I just did."

"Ragatha!" Pomni stamped her foot, "If you've got something to say, then say it!"

"Well, alright. If you insist," Ragatha pretended to force out a hard sigh; in reality, she was barely able to contain her boisterous laughter. Teasing this girl would never, ever get old. "Don't get me wrong. Kissing you was a dream come true, but," she paused, "and please don't take this the wrong way—"

"Spit it out, already!"

"— I wouldn't call you a particularly...gifted kisser."

Pomni thrashed backward; her face was fully boiled. "WH-WHAT?!"

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Sweetheart, but I'm too nice to lie to you. That kiss could have gone better." Ragatha smirked, seizing hold of Pomni's tunic once again. She tugged her body closer, utterly captivated by the nervous panic spreading across the jester's cute little face. "I have a lot to teach you..."

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