The one with the motorbike (k.t.)

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It's based on a reel I saw but with more plot...

Warning: references to drugs, sex, curses, and sexual abuse.

Enjoy :)


"Katie," Allison called out from downstairs. "Katie, you are going to be late."

"Five more minutes," Katie said turning around on her bed.

"C'mon is your last first day," Allison spoke.

"Coming Mom," Katie said getting up and closing strongly her wardrobe door to pretend she was dressing and then flopping to bed again.

"Katie Torres," Allison yelled as she was now in her daughter's bedroom. The older woman grabbed a pillow and threw her, making her groan. "You are going to be late."

"Jesus, okay Mom," the shorter girl said, grabbing her outfit for the day and going ahead to the bathroom.


"Where do you think you are going?" Jacob, Y/N's dad, called out from the motorhome's sofa.

"School," Y/N responds.

"Stop being useless and give me a beer," Jacob demanded as he sat down on the sofa and turned on the TV.

"I'm going to be late," the y/h/c girl said.

"And do you think I care?" The drunk man asked. "Stop being a brat and give me a beer."

"Yes sir," Y/N said, entering her house again and walking to the fridge, taking off a beer and handing it to her father. "I'm going to school now."

"Can you shut up? I'm trying to see this movie," Jacob said looking at his daughter with a death glare, making the smaller girl turn around and leave the 'house'.


"Look who it is," Marie said as she hugged Katie. "Katie fucking Torres, hot as ever."

"And you are uglier than ever," Katie joked making the other girl roll her eyes.

"Speal the whole tea," the blonde girl said. 

"Why do you think I have tea?" Katie asked.

"Oh c'mon, are you saying that you didn't talk to any boy or girl during the summer?" Marie asked.

"Maybe there is this boy," the brunette girl said blushing a little. "He is RDJ."

"Wait, wait," Marie said stopping in her tracks. "THE RDJ? The captain from the football team?"

"Yep, that RDJ," the smaller girl said to the girl, making her excited. 

"OH MY GOD, MY GIRL IS GOING TO LOSE HER VIRGINITY WITH THE CAPTAIN OF THE FOOTBALL TEAM," the blond girl yelled, making Katie cover her mouth.

"Marie, shut up," Katie chuckled. "We just kissed, nothing much."

"It's with kisses that you start sex," Marie said, quietly this time. "I have to teach you everything."

"No thank you," the brown eyes girl said.

"He is probably a top, but he gives me the seat on my face vibes," Marie said ignoring her friend.

"You are gross," Katie said opening her locker. 


"Hey, Y/N," Betty called out.

"Hey blondy," Y/N said. "The same amount as always?"

"Yes, and please add a bit of heroin," the blond girl added.

"Here it is," the y/h/c girl said. "Don't forget about the payment."

"Today at 11 pm, same address," the smaller girl winked, grabbing the bag of drugs.

"Hey, loser," RDJ called out, making the smaller girl turn around.

"What?" She said rolling her eyes.

"Give me weed," the football captain demanded.

"I've got a rule," the younger girl said. "No losers allowed."

"Someone is extra grumpy today," he joked. "Maybe you should stop fucking girls with your little inter-sex secret and you should take some D vitamin."

"Oh so cute, you want to fuck me," the girl joked.

"I didn't say that," he said embarrassed.

"It almost looked like it," she said, turning around and walking in the other direction.


"Hey Kate," RDJ called out. "Do you have a minute?"

"Hey, yes sure," she said, turning to Marie and smiling widely.

"So how are you?" He asked her, kissing her cheek.

"I'm okay, how are you?" The young girl said nervous.

"I'm okay, but I would be better if you perhaps came on a date with me?" He questioned the smaller girl.

"Wait seriously?" She said making the taller boy nod. "Hell yes!"

"I pick you up at 7 pm cutie," he said winking and walking in the other direction, making the brunette girl jump excitedly.

"Hey, Torres," Y/N called out as she was leaning on her locker.

"Y/L/N with a book in hand?" Katie joked. "That is something that happens every 70 years."

"For your information, I like to read," the taller girl said. "But that isn't why I called you."

"And why you called me?" The brunette girl asked curious.

"If I was you I would stay away from him," Y/N answered. 

"Why? Are you jealous?" The smaller girl asked playing with Y/N's drawcord in a flirty way.

"No, he just will take advantage of you," the girl replied. "That dude fucked more people than a porn star."

"You have a lot of morals to say," Katie said sarcastically. "Plus he loves me, people can change."

"Let me guess, he said you were special and kissed you?" The taller girl laughed. "He said that to Nancy and she now is pregnant with his twins and no one knows."

"Weed is affecting your brain," Katie said turning around.

"Your choice, but then don't come crying to me," Y/N yelled.

"Fuck you, Y/L/N," the smaller girl said, turning around and giving her the finger.


Part 2 hopefully tomorrow...

Here is a part of my Wednesday book (it's on my profile):

"Why does Principal Weems hate you that much?" she finally asks.

"Long story," I muttered. "Enid, I have to do something. Will you be okay?" I ask her, ignoring the eyes of the gothic girl on me.

"Yes sure," she answers with a wide smile. I walked to her and kissed her on the forehead reassuring her that everything was going to be okay, as I still could sense how nervous she was. I turned around to Wednesday and tried my chances again, extending my arm to her to shake and this time she shook my arm. "Nice to meet you, Adams."

"Nice to meet you, Salvatore," she replies and I turn around and walk in the opposite direction of the two small girls.



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