The one with the tent (v.c.)

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"Where are we going?" You ask your girlfriend, Vada who was guiding you as you were blindfolded.

"We are almost there," Vada whispers in your ear softly. You two take more steps forward and then she stops walking making you stop as well and proceeding to take off the blindfold. "Here we are."

"Oh my god," you say as joy tears start to form in your eyes because of the view in front of you. "I am speechless."

"You like it?" She asks unsure of what could be your answer.

"I love it," you respond referring to the small tent in your backyard. "You did this for me?"

"I'll do everything for my valentine," she says pecking your cheek softly. "Shall we enter?"

"Yes please," you say excitedly as she picks you up bridal style and enters the tent.

"What movie do you want to see," she says opening the small basket that was on the tent.

"What are the options?" You ask as you help your girlfriend take off the snack.

"Whatever you wish, you can grab my computer and choose," the brunette girl says handing you the computer. You start scrolling through Disney+ on the rom-com section until you find the perfect movie: '10 things I hate about you'.

"This one," you say showing her the movie.

"Of course, you were going to choose that one," she says laughing. "At least you didn't choose 'Twilight'."

"Is that supposed to be an offense?" You say smacking her arm playfully.

"The movie is really bad," she says making you roll your eyes. "I still can't believe you cried because of the end."

"What? No, I didn't," you say making her laugh.

"Oh yes you did, I saw the movie with you," she comments.

"In my defense, the music in the end hits hard," you say rolling your eyes. "Also, it's not my fault you are cold-hearted."

"I'm not cold-hearted," she denies what you said.

"Oh yeah?" You ask rhetorically. "You saw 'A star is born' without crying."

"Well I already cried in movies, just not that one," she affirms rolling her eyes.

"Like what movie?" You question her making her think.

"'Marley and Me'," she responds.

"Yeah you only let go one tear," you say. "That's not crying."

"One tear was enough," she says rolling her eyes. "Not my fault you are a crybaby."

"Weren't we supposed to see the movie?" You questioned trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, yeah, change the conversation," she says smacking your arm as you roll your eyes. "Let's see the movie, you dork."

"Hey, I'm not a dork," you say faking offense. "You are the dork."

"Yes, I am your dork," she says making you red as a tomato.

"Maybe I'm also your dork," you say shyly making you smile softly. "Let's see the movie."

"Yes, let's see it, crybaby," she says as you sit in her lap, your back on her front. "Will you cry in this movie as well?"

"Maybe," you say making her laugh. "Now shut up, the movie is starting."

"Yes ma'am," she says hugging you from behind and placing her face on your shoulder.

"You are the best Valentine someone could ask for," you say turning your head and looking at how cute she is. "Happy Valentine's Day, V."

"Happy Valentine's Day, my valentine," the brunette girl says making you blush as she kisses you passionately.


I hope you like it :))



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