The one with the crush (h.d.)

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"Hey, Y/N," Harley called out as she approached her best friend.

"Look if it isn't Harley Diaz," Y/N said smiling at the shorter girl.

"Did you already ask your crush to be your Valentine?" Harley asked as the two girls walked to class.

"I am afraid she might say no," Y/N replied shyly.

"Come on, give it a try," Harley said as they sat at their table for the History class.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" The y/h/c questioned.

"Just be you," she simply said as the class began.

The teacher starts talking about WW1 and of course, Harley raises her hand every time he asks something only making it Y/N think how cute she is right now.

"Why are you staring?" Harley asks as she notices Y/N looking.

"I'm sorry I was just thinking," Y/N said turning her gaze to the teacher.

"About what?" Harley asks curiously.

"About how cute you are," Y/N responds not once turning her gaze to Harley. Harley looks at her best friend, getting red as a tomato and turning her gaze to the teacher, not answering any more questions the entire class because of what Y/N just told her.


"Why are you so quiet?" Harley's mom asked as the Diaz family was on the sofa watching a science documentary.

"Because Y/N called her cute," Ethan says breaking the silence.

"That was supposed to be a secret," Harley smacked Ethan's arm.

"So you are quiet because you finally realized she liked you?" Rachel questioned taking her gaze from the phone.

"No she is quiet because I told her she liked Y/N," Ethan spoke making Harley hit him again.

"I've told you, I don't like her," Harley affirms.

"I'm sorry honey, but you like her," Tom says looking at her daughter.

"Why does everyone think that?" Harley questions.

"Because you blush every time she speaks," Georgia says.

"And let's not forget that time you were checking her out," Daphne says rolling her eyes at the memory.

"I never checked her out," Harley says giving her younger sister a death glare.

"We all saw it," Suzy says turning her head to her daughter. "You like her."

"Okay maybe a little," the brunette girl says rolling her eyes.

"Maybe a lot," Beast says.

"What should I do?" The Latina girl asks her family.

"Valentine's Day is almost there, you could ask her," Rachel suggests making Harley get up.

"Where are you going?" Suzie asks.

"I'm going to ask Y/N to be my Valentine," she affirmed leaving her house.


Harley was outside Y/N's house wondering whether she should or not knock on her door. "Why are staring at my door like a stalker?" Y/N says as she opens the door.

"How did you know I was here?" Harley asks embarrassed.

"There are these things called windows, you know what are those?" Y/N joked making Harley smile. "What are you doing here loser?"

"I wanted to ask you something," Harley says entering Y/N's house nervous about what she is about to say.

"And what is that?" Y/N questions closing the door.

"I-I," Harley starts off but immediately gets lost in Y/N's eyes.

"You?" Y/N asks freeing Harley from her trance.

"I don't know how to say this so I'm going to show you," Harley says.

"Show me?" Y/N asks as Harley pulls her into a soft kiss.

"This was what I was trying to say," Harley says as she pulls out of the kiss.

"Yeah, I don't think I got what you are trying to say," Y/N joked making Harley kiss her again.

"Do you want to be my Valentine?" Harley asks opening her eyes and looking up to the taller girl.

"I would love to," Y/N smiles down at her. "But I seriously think I don't know what you were trying to tell me."

"You are such an idiot," Harley says rolling her eyes.

"Idiot for you," Y/N jokes making Harley laugh.

"And you are cringe as well," she says laughing.

"Cringe for you," she says smiling at her as Harley pulls her into a long passionate kiss.


The chapter is short but I hope you like it :)



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