vs tera flamigo [edited]

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Equestria girls/mlp original universe

Ponyville in Equestria during 3:21 pm

In middle of town with everyponies minding own business trotting until a green portal magical appeared behind town hall facing toward front of lyra heartstrings, bon-bon, Octavia, and lemonheart at seven feet away who noticed it with scared for a ...

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In middle of town with everyponies minding own business trotting until a green portal magical appeared behind town hall facing toward front of lyra heartstrings, bon-bon, Octavia, and lemonheart at seven feet away who noticed it with scared for a second when began open up to reveal section 27 northeast corridor with kid fletching, Tricia Lange in section 27 jumpsuit got pink velvet stripes on both sides and pokebelt around beltloop, and  hop in same jumpsuit got dark navy blue stripes in both sides and pokebelt around beltloop come out from portal to outside make lyra heartstrings very happy with huge wide eyes to see trio is humans and said to herself, "humans."

After portal closed with tricia pull out her rotom phone quick begins to speak with the voice of Gilbert Gottfried, "an wild tera Pokemon is here at left side of town hall in couple miles away." The trio turned left begins running through town toward wild tera Pokemon location while being accompanied by lyra, bon-bon, Octavia, and lemonheart in few hours and stop to see wild tera Pokemon is flamigo standing in middle of road right front of them at seven feet away when tricia's rotom phone flew out from her palm begins floating in mid-air at left side begins explain to them, "flamigo, synchronize Pokemon, flying and fighting type: this Pokemon apparently ties the base of its neck into a knot so that energy stored in its belly does not escape from its beak." After information over with he summoned terastal crystal Rose up from the ground began absorbed him in a second and broke into pieces to reveal terastallized flamigo with electric type tera shard crown on top of his head.

Octavia: "dear me."

Kid fletching pull out flash bomb quick and said the duo with curious expression, "so this is wild tera Pokemon what captain Yvonne talking about?" Tricia replied back to her when she and hop pull out pokeball, "yup." They then  began toss pokeball in the air to call out their Pokemon.

Tricia: "come out, primape!"

Hop: "you too, poocheyna!"

They come out from their pokeball to outside having Pokemon against terastallized flamigo with tricia called out attack for primape, "use rage fist!" He become in rage energy and running straight toward terastallized flamigo was about to use protect to block attack when hop called out sneak attack, "scare face!" He frightened flamigo with a scary face version of himself to cancel protect with primape delivered barrage of rage fist is super effective and almost medium critical damage

Lyra: "alright direct hit."

Kid fletching jump in mid-air started throwing flash bomb straight toward terastallized flamigo began hit on the ground right front of them cause small size exploded in a burst of bright light to. Blind him.

Thunderlane: "way to go kid, that's showing him."

Hop: "use shadow ball!"

Poocheyna open his mouth to fired shadow ball straight toward blinding flamigo quick with direct hit in upper chest is super effective and medium critical damage.

Tricia: "use rage fist again."

Snips: "say what?"

Dinky: "again."

He become in rage energy again and went superhuman speed right front of him who gain his eyes sight again and getting delivered barrage of punches from primape is super effective and almost heavily critical damage caused terastal shattered into pieces to reveal almost fainted flamigo to normal and all of sudden primape started evolve.

Hop: "alright Tricia, your primape started evolving."

He transformed into new evolve form is annihilape, rage monkey Pokemon, and ghost and fighting type.

That alarm several ponies when rotom phone begins to speak again, "congratulations girly, your primape evolve into annihilape

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That alarm several ponies when rotom phone begins to speak again, "congratulations girly, your primape evolve into annihilape." She then pull put heal ball quick begins throwing toward flamigo and stop in mid-air started captured him to went inside pokeball with pink beam and falling down on the ground begins lock him up after that.

Tricia: "alright I caught flamigo."

Kid fletching: "congratulations Tricia and now you to due information about annihilape."

Cloud kicker: "good thinking kid."

Tricia: "good idea kiddo, rotom give information about annihilape."

Rotom phone: "when its anger rose beyond a critical point, this Pokemon gained power that is unfettered by the limits of its physical body."

Snails: "(whistle)."

Snips: "that's scary and cool in same way."

Meanwhile at section 33 main lobby with ace bunny talking to two agents at right side of lobby until a robotic voice, "greetings kiddo." They stopped to turn right to see female form mark  three armor resemble to garchomp with wings on both forearms enter the main lobby began walk toward them with mask lift up to reveal the face of sinnoh region champion from Pokemon universe two, Cynthia with happily smile on her face and stop in three feet away, she said to captain nano, "let me introduce myself, I'm Cynthia the sinnoh champion from sinnoh region known as iron garchomp at my universe and I want to join your boss section."

Ace: "of course, welcome to section 33 Cynthia."

Cynthia: "thank you dude."

[New editied chapter is out for today]

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