Gigantamax in dimmsdale

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Fairly odd parents original universe on Saturday 8:15 am in September 26th, 2018

Dimmsdale, California

At eatside of the park inside dimmsdale park there's mimikyu wondering around the park until gigantamax small energy orb rose up from the ground flying straight forward to mimikyu really quick begins absorb him cause started glowing with gigantama...

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At eatside of the park inside dimmsdale park there's mimikyu wondering around the park until gigantamax small energy orb rose up from the ground flying straight forward to mimikyu really quick begins absorb him cause started glowing with gigantamax aura and started growing really into gigantamax mimikyu

At eatside of the park inside dimmsdale park there's mimikyu wondering around the park until gigantamax small energy orb rose up from the ground flying straight forward to mimikyu really quick begins absorb him cause started glowing with gigantama...

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Cause the sky turned dark purple sky that alarm mayor and chompy the goat staring the window inside the office with scared expression on their faces.

Mayor: "uh-oh, gigantamax phenomenon is returning back again, chompy."

Chompy: "baww!"

An magical portal show outside of town hall from behind facing towards the city begins open up to reveal section 33 Northeast corridor with queenravemon, swordbeemon, captain star, sunset shimmer from equestria girls/mlp original alternative universe, angewomon, green lantern girl, dendra, iron garchomp, and ace bunny come out from portal to outside, that surprised the duo.

Mayor: "here come captain duck agents will take care of it, chompy."

Dendra: "it's dna digivolve time you two."

Sunset: "got it ma'am."

Iron garchomp: "we take care of it as we can."

Five of them started flying in the sky towards park fighting against with gigantamax mimikyu while sunset & angew doing dna digivolve together for first time with magical red digital circle above the town hall in ten feet away.

Mayor: "it's dna digivolve is back, woohoo!"

Both of them started glowing red and white aura inside of them.

Sunset: "sunset shimmer!"

Angewomon: "Angewomon!"

They flew up straight towards circle with twirling close to each other and said, "dna digivolve...." They went through the circle make started glowing red really bright for a second and faded away to reveal new transformation between sunset and angewomon is angewomon with long blonde hair got red highlights and a Phoenix shape like helmet. Her outfit is dark red bodysuit that cover of half of its body with red high heels got flames details on both sides. It has eight red and yellow Phoenix-like wings with four on either sides. She then begins to speak with sunset and angewomon, "PhoenixAngewomon!"

Mayor: "ooh, she's pretty."

Ace: "angewomon ultimate level form, PhoenixAngewomon."

Dendra: "not bad."

Meanwhile at dimmsdale park with iron garchomp's group still battle against with gigantamax mimikyu

Swordbeemon: " Pin missile blast!"

Green lantern and captain star fire blast join pin missile blast together towards gigantamax mimikyu quick with direct hit in upper chest cause little bit damaged with iron garchomp flying behind him to fire repulsed blast but he used wooden tail to block it.

Iron garchomp: "that punk use wooden tail to block it."

Queenravemon: "dark pulse spear!"

She throw dark pulse like spear straight toward gigantamax mimikyu's face until block it again with right shadow claw.

Queenravemon: "damn it! That punk is smart."

"Hand of Phoenix!"

An energy beam shape like fiery Phoenix come out of nowhere straight toward gigantamax mimikyu really quick with direct hit in the face cause medium halfway critical damage with queenravemon and iron garchomp turned around of surprised to see PhoenixAngewomon flying towards them that cue for hey Digimon lyrics by paul Gordon.

Paul Gordon: "🎵 hey Digimon, hey Digimon. Monster friends to the boys and girls."

Iron garchomp: "let's end this for good."

PhoenixAngewomon: "yeah."

She flying towards at right side of gigantamax mimikyu with iron garchomp and green lantern girl.

Paul Gordon: "🎵 hey Digimon, hey Digimon the ultimate friends to the boys and girls. 🎵 hey Digimon, hey Digimon champions of the digital world.

PhoenixAngewomon open her mouth with red glowing inside and said, " Ember bullet seed!" She fired ember like bullet seed straight toward gigantamax mimikyu along with iron garchomp's repulse blast and green lantern girl's ring energy beam together with direct hit cause little bit damage.

Queenravemon: "shadow spike ball!"

Paul Gordon: "🎵 hey Digimon, hey Digimon the ultimate friends to the boys and girls."

Shadow spike ball direct hit in stomach cause almost heavily critical damage make gigantamax mimikyu started glowing once again begins shrinking down really quick into normal state and sky turned to normal and Paul Gordon theme song over after that. Everyone started cheering happily for their heroes stop gigantamax Pokemon

Mayor: "yippe! Our city is safe again, chompy."

Chompy: "baww!"

[New chapter is out for tonight]

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