The.. interesting Adventures of Nick and Vernias

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The Banners just a screen capture from one of Vernias's.. Vernias' videos. I think it was the 1/2 Switch one but I'm not sure. 


Nick and Vernias headed off into California again to claim Vern's star. They made it up to the hill where the Vern Nation lay, unsure of how to get up into the pink sky. "So.. do I get to throw you?" Nick said with an evil smirk on his face, like usual. "NO! Why would you do that?!" Vernias shouted. "Well how else are you supposed to get up there?!" Nick argued. "We can figure it out, in a safe and simple way. Now let's try to.. AUGHHH!!!" Suddenly the winds picked up and launched Nick and Vernias into The Pink Sky. "OH SHIT!!" Nick screamed, thinking this was the end for him. The two fell down, bracing for impact as they landed on a soft cloud. "Ow! Wait why'd I say ow that didn't even hurt? Woah! Nick look, we're on the cloud!" Vernias said, looking around and the beautiful scenery. "Y-Yeah I can see it Vern!" Nick props himself up, looks like it actually hurt Nick. "Well this must be it, let's find the star!" Vernias said, jolting up into action. "Well where would it be? We're just on a cloud, there's nowhere else we can go." Nick said, now up and looking around. "Hm good point.. oh there!" Vernias pointed over to a foggy building in the distance. "C'mon Nick!" Vernias ran towards the building as Nick followed. The two eventually saw what the building was, it was a theme-park attraction? Then the words showed up in bright pink lights that read, 'The Ride Of Love', They looked down to see the ride, it was a small heart shaped boat on a river, awaiting two people to ride it. "Oh." Vernias looked nervous. "NO, NO, NO!!" Nick yelled. "I'm leaving, good luck Vernias!" Nick ran away, leaving Vernias alone. Vernias looked back to not see him anywhere. "Nick?" He said. Vernias shrugged and looked over to the ride, where Nick was already in. "HELP ME!! I CAN'T LEAVE IT!!" Nick shouted, trying to escape the boat. "Hold on! Let me help you." Vernias said walking towards Nick, tugging on his arm trying to get him out, but by doing so he fell inside the boat himself. "AH!" He yelled. Vernias tried getting up and leaving but was stuck, sitting next to Nick on the ride. "Oh no.." Vernias looked slightly sad. "SAVE ME!!!" Nick yelled, looking terrified, hoping someone in the world would be there to save him. The boat started up by himself and soon the two were in the depths of the ride. Romantic music played around them, clearly making Nick uneasy. "Hey.. It can't be THAT bad Nick, it's just two friends on a river ride!" Vernias said trying to cheer him up. "What will Nicole think of me?" Nick whispered to himself, looking down. Vernias didn't know what to say so he decided to say nothing at all. The ride continued in awkward silence. 

The ride eventually reached a stop as a sign met the ride. A mechanical voice said, "To get the treasure you seek most, a true love' s kiss will be your boat." Nick and Vernias looked at each other, terrified. "You see Vernias, it's just.. you're not my type." Nick said, placing his hand on Vern's shoulder. "Yeah.. you see it's not you.. it's me!" Vernias said agreeing with Nick, the two  chuckled at the situation that they realized was just stupid. Then the boat started to sink. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" Both of them shouted in unison. "VERN DON'T TAKE THIS AS OFFENSIVE BUT I'D RATHER DIE THAN KISS YOU." Nick said. "WELL THAT IS KIND OF OFFENSIVE SINCE EVERYTHING'S AT STAKE HERE!" Vern argued. The two looked at each other with fear in their eyes. Knowing what they have to do if they want the star and to live. "Let's just stop the boat from sinking." Nick says. "Yeah sure why not." Vernias agrees, the two repair the boat and the ride continues on. 

 "NEVER mention this to Brent or.. or Eevee!" Nick said weakly, throwing up into the water of the ride. Nick was ashamed of his motion sickness and knew that the other guys would just make fun of him for it. "YOU GOT IT!" Vernias said, shaking in fear, covering his mouth trying not to gag at the stench. The ride kept going as the lights turned off and everything went dark. "Ohh WHAT IS IT NOW?!!" Nick yelled in agony. Then the two saw it, the star. "THERE IT IS! GET IT VERNIAS!" Nick nudged him. "Yeah! Let me just get out of it." Vernias tried to get up but he was still stuck on the ride. "I.. I can't get out!!" Vernias told Nick in incredible fear. "NOPE." Nick tried to shove Vernias out of the boat, making the boat shake. "AH!" Nick started to fall into the water. "NICK!" Vernias grabbed his arm and tugged him back inside, making the boat shake again, the two going back and forth making Nick almost sick again. "I'm gonna try to get out again." Vernias said, followed by Nick's quick "Yup." Eventually with enough effort Vernias left the boat, turns out he was never stuck inside, his door was just unable to open. Nick watched in excitement as Vernias grabbed the star. Everything started to shake, the ride, the world, Nick, Vernias. Then a light blasted through the room.

Vernias woke up on the cloud. "Ow! Wait why'd I say ow that didn't even hurt? Woah! Nick look, we're on the cloud!" Vernias said, looking around and the beautiful scenery. "Y-Yeah I can see it Vern!" Nick props himself up, looks like it actually hurt Nick. "Vernias." A voice said from afar. "Hm?" Vernias looked up, trying to find whoever said it. "You may not feel different but there's a new power inside you, use it on Brent, before he vanishes from this world forever." The voice tells him. "What!? Is Brent okay?!!" Vernias exclaimed. Nick looked at Vernias confused, "Why are you worried about Brent? He's probably getting his star right now." Nick asked, he couldn't hear the voice. "It's better if I show you, young one." The voice said a mirage appeared from the clouds in the sky showing Brent and Eevee. Brent was shaking, his hands fading away slowly. Eevee was saying something that was inaudible. Brent looked like he was in pain, and everything was falling apart. Vernias looked in horror until the voice spoke to him again. "Vernias, you must travel fast and far before he gets even more hurt!" The voice expressed. Vernias ran and grabbed Nicks arm. "We have to go. Quick." Vernias told him. "Huh? What do you meaANNNN?!!" Suddenly Vernias flew through the air, carrying Nick by the arm. The two traveled to Canada to find Brent and Sophist, before it was too late. 

End Of Chapter 6. 

The whole Nick & Vernias torture that I was put through to write was MachoManForceGhost on Reddit. 

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