Brent's Lament.

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Warning, this chapter is INCREDIBLY LONG and very bad. It's literally just Brent being depressed. Please do not read this. If you do, have fun!- and try not to go insane. 

Pitch black darkness. That's all Brent saw after 'falling asleep' after the huge blast from the stained glass. He didn't know what to think, because he physically could not think. He felt his body fall deeper and deeper into the void that he was trapped in, which he'd thought would be forever. The tears he couldn't feel, the hands he couldn't see, it was as if he'd disintegrated into a black void for all of eternity. But for some reason, the world punished him by making him conscience throughout all of the pain and suffering. But worst of all, he could still hear, he could hear his dearest friends crying. He could hear bits of glass lightly dropping onto the floor. He heard all of it. "BRENT!" He could hear him say, somehow he couldn't even think of his name, and the 'his' he was talking about he didn't even know if that was him or the person who yelled through the void. Then finally, Brent could think of a sentence. 'Is this what it's like to be dead?' he asked out into the darkness. 

Fear.  Because I could not live for Brent, it did kindly live for me. I don't like the fact that it, learned to live before it knew how to die. You can live, you can die, but can you breathe? How lonely is Brent, and is he lonely for us? Lonely, freezing, falling Brent. Can Brent himself make him breathe? Can he? How silly is the worried, scared Eevee, is he scared for Brent? Pacing, sweating, terrified Eevee. Can Eevee alone make Brent breathe? Can he? How toxic is the dizzy, sick Nick? Does the fear of Nick make Brent breathe? Can he? How happy is the determined, rushing Vernias? Is Vernias rushing to Brent? Can he run, and run again? Can he? Does it make Brent wake up to see Eevee so scared, does it make Brent wake up to see Nick unprepared, does it make Brent up to see Vernias there? Because they could live for Brent and he did kindly live. I don't like the fact that he learned to die, before he could learn how to breathe.

Brent couldn't stop thinking about the void It was just so depressing and dead never had he known anything so asteroid. Just a few minutes ago or maybe an hour, Brent encountered a void so ovoid he had to calm himself with the tears that he cried.  Brent couldn't stop thinking about the void. He was scared, and shook but could not feel. The pain going through him no-one could heal. He tried to focus on something that he could think about. He just wanted to scream, yell, shout. But he knew deep down, he'd never get out. Eevee could scream, the void wouldn't hear, even if he yelled beyond the millionth year. Said that Brent needed to wake up. Brent couldn't think at all. Brent was shaking like a cold feud his mind had quickly turned into a bed. Brent was stuck now, living inside of this void. Never had he known anything so asteroid.

I was the most depressing king around, He was the most silly god. He was my friend, My silly friend, My god. We used to laugh all of the time together, Back then. We wanted to play games together, around the world, We wanted it all. But one night, one lonely night, We decided to play too much. Together we played a game with Nick. He became cold, so cold. From that moment our relationship changed. He grew so quiet. And then it happened: He shocked Vernias. Vernias! My friend hurt Vern. I didn't know what to do. The next day I saw my hands fazing out. I thought my eyes had become frozen. But still, somehow I can think of him.  I think about how it all changed that night, That lonely and raining night. My eyes.. I can't see. When I think of that silly god, That silly god and me. My friend, My laughing friend, saw me until the end. My god, my god. 

Eevee was my friend. Vernias and Nick too.

I'll never see them again.

Neither will you. 

Eevee was funny Vernias was kind Nick was toxic

but so was I. 

Games of Mario Party, we played all day Getting stars through hidden blocks was our forte. 

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