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I sat in the waiting room of a tall office building in Gotham city. The walls were lined with ashen wood planks, with large windows between them, looking down over all of the city. The floors were a dark carpet, and I began twisting my pointed black heels down into it, tapping away, a habit I had picked up from my childhood.

I was dressed in a knee-length black dress that hugged my figure with wide straps and a v-neckline. My long, dark hair was neatly braided and hung around the left side of my body.

I had to look professional for today. I had to get this job.

Despite my qualifications and experience, my people skills certainly needed work. I don't exactly see eye to eye with the rest of humanity. They're complicated and difficult, and my average conversations end up in confrontation, but that's not the point.

"Miss Wright, I presume?" an elderly British man says in a slightly cheery tone.

"Yes, that would be me, sir. I'm here for the interview." I reply.

"Right this way." He gestures into a smart and well decorated office and holds the door for me.

"Thank you, Mr...?" I say as I come in through the doorframe.

"Pennyworth." Mr Pennyworth sits down in a padded chair, sitting behind a desk. I take the seat opposite him and cross my legs.

"So," he begins, pulling out my file from a drawer to his left, "Miss Wright, I've reviewed your resume. It's rather impressive: good education, excellent recommendations from your teachers and professors." He stops and takes a breath before looking me in the eyes. "However, there are a few things I'd like to discuss."

"And what would those things be?"

"Your previous occupation, for one, and why the drastic change of work?"

"I'm sorry, Mr Pennyworth, I don't know what you're talking about." I said, getting a bit nervous. This could ruin everything.

He sighs at my response. "I would highly recommend if you don't lie to me, Miss Wright, nothing happens in this city without my knowledge of it. So, why interview for a personal assistant position when you were previously employed as a mercenary? "

I stared at the man, shock and confusion spreading across my face. "They called me the Sparrowhawk, agile, deadly, and a skilled warrior. I got in too deep, lost a lot of people I was close to, and a part of myself. So I got out. Picked myself back up and made a new life. One with stability and reliability, one where you don't have to fight to survive, in terms of a stable income. Guess I was sorta wrong about the last one. All these interview processes are full-on warzones."

He chuckles slightly at this. "You remind me of a man I know. He's a good friend of mine, actually. If you were to obtain this job, would you also be willing to take on a minor role of personal security as well?"

"I don't see why not. I could utilise my skills in a way that doesn't get me killed then."

He chuckles again as I say this, "Right, you are, Miss Wright. That's it for now, I don't need to hear why you're the best person for the job or why you're more deserving like those other morons you've interviewed with. I know who the best is, I don't need them to tell it to me like I'm some kind of drama school teacher."

I get up from my seat and shake his hand across the desk. "Thank you very much for the opportunity, Mr Pennyworth, I hope to hear from you soon."

I turn and stride out the door, walking into the lift and pressing the button for the ground floor. I watch as the seconds tick past, and the needle turns slowly. Was that a successful interview? Did I meet his expectations? Did the whole mercenary thing screw it up?

Questions rushed through my head about what had happened and about the job in general. These continued until two days later, and I received a phone call.

I press the answer button and hold the phone up to my ear, "Hello?" I ask.

"Hello, is this Miss Katherine Wright?" a female voice replies from the other end.

"Yes, speaking."

"We'd like to inform you about your new position at Wayne Manor. You will be working specifically under Mr Pennyworth for the duration of your employment. We expect to see you on Monday, 9.00 am. Don't be late."

As the call ends, I stand there in shock. Smiling to myself, I slowly started to make my way back to my apartment and began the preparations for Monday.

It wasn't massive, but it was home. The walls were painted iron grey and were lined with paintings and hanging plants, leading into my living room.

I had a white sofa that was placed in front of a tan coffee table and a small television. Shelves of books spanned across the room, up until my open kitchen, with only some light cabinets separating the two. My bathroom was pretty generic: sink, shower, toilet etc, my bedroom wasn't much as well. It had a framed, modern bed in the centre of the room, facing a window, two cabinets beside it, a mirror, and a wardrobe.

I sat myself down on my sofa and slumped down. My arms flew up in celebration and slowly dropped as I sighed with relief.

Two days later, it was Monday, I rushed around my apartment, grabbed my keys, and dashed out the front door. I got into my car and began driving to Wayne Manor.

After about twenty minutes, I reached my destination. Living on the outskirts of the city may not be the most practical idea. I parked outside and made my way up to the front door.

I knocked three times and waited, after a bit, the door opened. Standing there was Mr Pennyworth. "Miss Wright, good to see you."

"As with you, thank you for selecting me, Mr Pennyworth, and so quickly I might add."

"My dear girl, you were the obvious choice. Now, don't disappoint me, and please, call me Alfred, I'm not one for formalities with friends, and you and I are going to get along very well." He smiles.

I return the grin and walk inside the house, ready to begin my new life.

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