[❤️] ~ three; confusing guy

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I look to Sapnap his face was hard to read but I could tell he was looking at my lips.

"What you looking at my lips for" I asked him softly, my heart beated softly.

He'd hum, "has anyone ever said how hot you are?"

I chuckle blushing a tad, something about how he does this is always hard to tell if he's joking or not.

"You're the hot one sapnap you're litterly Mr poplar" I shot back.

He'd hum and glazed up, "and Mr poplar finds you hot"

I chuckle and look to him, "what does my attractive level have to do with my lips?"

He'd shrug, and lean on the wall.

"Dunno" he said blankly, "I hate canidate time for the team though"

I nod, "its boring, you always say that."

He'd nod and glazed off at the floor and up, "soo anyone you thinking about dating?"

His voice was odd, "well not really- why"

Sapnap nipped his lip, "well my sister  could be a good fit for you..."

I'd hum, "sap- out of everyone you sidjust you're own sibling what you want me as a step sibling?"

He'd look at me with a unable to tell what he truly was thinking face, "wouldn't mind that....." his voice kinda went lower.

I raised my brow, hes acting odd frist staring  at my lips now he's sudjusting  his sister.

"How about  you?" I asked rasing a brow.

Sapnap bit his lip and sighed, "theirs this boy... he's very pretty"

His eyes looked away to the wall.. sucking on his lower lip with the faintest pink.

I blinked for somereason that hurt me deep instead.

"Why do you flirt with me then if he sees you flirting with  me you'd get rejected" I murmer.

He'd hum, "he hasn't relized how I fell for him yet"

As he took the vape inhaling and blowing it out so flawlysly, "so when is you're tutorial session"

"At 6pm" I sighed, "im sure I'll see you around"

His lips turned into a smirk, "im sure you will darling"

I glazed at his in a soft chuckle, "you are a big flirt I sware"

"For you~" he'd wink softly moving his hand to play with my hair.

I chuckle and lean on his arm, "so how long is you're break?"

"As long as I damn well want it I Stormed out" he chuckled and glazed at me, "we got abounch of incompetent candidates"

"That sucks" I luagh abit puffing our some smoke as I basiccly cuddle into his side.

He'd hum, "they'll all drop out as soon as they relize I won't be training"

That made jealously rose deep inside I glanced to sapnap, "you got simps..."

He'd chuckle, "yeah.. but theirs only one, who I don't honstly does that I want to he a simp" he said faintly.

I bet it's George, theirs now way sapnap would ever want it to be me.

I'm to pugy around every bit of body, my body's to imperfect.. i bearly eat, and mom says it's for the better.

He'd hum and softly nuzzle my neck, "dre anyone you consider?"

I bit my lip, "not really"

He'd cuddle to nuzzle my neck his eyes looking up at me.. I don't mind it, it feels so good  when he's all touchy.

I never understood why I like, I crave his touch so much.

It makes my head a daze, hes so confusing... nobody really knows what he's into hell flirt with the girls to, but get all touchy with me.

"Sap, what gender are you even in to" I asked faintly, "you're very confusing"

He'd give a suppressed luagh, "you'll figure it out one day, I'm a very confusing guy"

He'd take his head out off my neck softly rubbing his own while glazing away.

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