But I'll hold onto his love forever..

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I lost a father when I turned 11,
A piece of my heart forever taken,
I am now 16, but the pain still lingers,
And my eyes still fill with tears,
I tell people I'm over it, but it's all a lie,
For the emptiness inside me, I cannot deny

I try to put on a brave face,
To hide the sorrow, the loss, the disgrace,
But my heart is shattered, I am broken,
Without my father, I feel so unspoken.

The memories of him, they haunt me still,
His love, his laughter, his words so real,
I miss his strong embrace, his guiding hand,
Why did he have to leave, it's hard to understand.

I see other kids with their fathers,
And it brings a pang of pain,
For I know I'll never have that bond,
My life will never be the same.

I wish I could turn back time,
To when he was here, so full of life,
But reality strikes, he's truly gone,
And I'm left to deal with all this strife.

I tell myself to be strong,
To move forward, to carry on,
But the pain is like an anchor,
Holding me down, I cannot escape.

I've built a wall around my heart,
To shield me from this painful art,
But deep down, I know it's all a lie,
For I am just a broken, wounded child.

So when I say I'm over it,
Please don't believe my empty words,
For the pain is still so real,
And without my father, my heart still hurts.

But I'll keep on living, and cherishing,
The memories of my dear old dad,
His love will always be with me,
Even though he's no longer here.

I lost a father when I turned 11,
And the pain may never truly fade,
But I'll hold onto his love forever,
Until we meet again, beyond the grave.

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