Chapter 4 - Imprint of His Ring

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I couldn't stop thinking about what Drake said on the phone last night, it was so sweet but I was so worried about what Cory would do to me for it, I was so worried that I couldn't eat or sleep and I felt physically sick, but it's not the first time I've felt like this. Cory left in the middle of the night and hasn't come back and I know it sounds terrible but I hope he never does come back, I don't know if I could handle it if he did, I know he would hit me but what I don't know is how hard.

It's 2pm and Cory still isn't back after leaving the house at around 1am, I was getting worried now, worried that at any moment he could burst through the door and hit me, hit me hard, maybe too hard.

Drake called me earlier, I thought about what he had said about moving to Los Angeles with him and I think I'm going to. I gave him my address even though I really didn't want him to come over in case Cory came home but he came over anyway.

He got here and took one look at me before he hugged me while saying,

"I'm sorry"

I wasn't wearing makeup so naturally he must have seen my black eye and the scar on my cheek thinking Cory had done it to me because of what Drake had said.

"No, Drake, these are old, well, not old but certainly not brand new"

"But you didn't have them a few days ago"


"Oh, I see, so this scar," he said while lightly touching my cheek, "how did it happen?"

"Cory punched me and his ring caught my cheek, it's an imprint of his ring"

"It looks painful"

"It's tender"

"Have you thought about LA? It's less than a week until I move there"

"I have and I think I want to come"

"Great! I'm not completely sure what time I'm moving but I'll text you when I know"

"Okay, that sounds..." Suddenly Cory walked through the door and as soon as he spotted us he picked Drake up by his collar and started shouting at him,

"Are you that bastard that I talked to on the phone last night?" he screamed

"I am, and could you please stop shouting, you're getting spit all over my face" Drake replied

"That's It"

Cory opened the door, pushed Drake out of it and screamed,

"If I see you again I will kill you, and I mean that".

Drake tried to act as if he wasn't scared but by the look in his eyes I could tell he was terrified. Cory slammed the door in his face and went straight upstairs without even looking my way. What's going to happen to me now?

It's been a few hours now and Cory hasn't come down yet, I've heard crashing coming from our bedroom and I'm presuming that it's him breaking something else out of frustration, probably breaking something of mine.

I went into the bathroom and as soon as I slid the bolt across and the door was locked I could hear Cory coming down the stairs. I sat on the floor leaning on the door with my ear up against it, I could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer until,

"Open this door right now" he demanded "I mean it".

I stayed silent and tried to keep my tears in and my breathing under control.

"Come on, you can't hide from me, you know that"

He started hitting the door, trying to break it down. I stood up and backed into the corner of the room, I then sat on the floor and cried. This was it. The door flew off it's hinges and smacked down on the floor. Cory walked towards me and started punching me, slapping me, kicking me, everything. I couldn't do anything but cry, at this point I had given up. Given up on having a good life but at that moment Cory dropped to the floor on his knees and started crying,

"I'm just like my father" he said.

He got up and he left the house and I couldn't help but feel that this was going to be yet another sleepless night.

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