Chapter 12: Bluey and Bingo Crazy Hotel!!

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Bluey then sat back down on the book.

"Bluey then said to Gladys," Bluey: Do you have a reservation already, or would you like to check in now?

"Then Gladys responds to Bluey's question in a grumpy tone," Muffin: No, I didn't make a reservation already. Why would I make a reservation already?

"Bluey, the receptionist, responds to Gladys," Bluey: Fair point, but we have a lot of people staying at the hotel. That's why I ask you, so would you like to check in?

"Gladys then responds to Bluey in a grumpy, un-patient, and angry tone," Gladys: Yes, and make it snappy, my hip hurts, and my back aches.

"Bluey then responds to Gladys in a happy tone," Bluey: Ok, we will get you sorted out and try to make this a speedy service.

"Gladys then responds to Bluey while being grumpy," Gladys: Ok, good, it was about time you did your job. Bluey then pretends to type on her imaginary computer.

"Bluey then said to Gladys while getting ready to type on her imaginary computer," Bluey: We have a room open for you if you would like that.

"Gladys then responds to Bluey while being grumpy and un-patient," Muffin: Good about time you found a room. I've been standing here for ages.

"Bluey, the receptionist, then said to Gladys while being calm and patient while typing on her imaginary computer," Bluey: Ok, we have found you a room that has a queen-size bed, bathroom, closet, free WiFi, and room service.

"Bluey then asked Gladys the question if she wanted the room," Bluey: Would you like that room?

"Then Gladys responds to Bluey, the receptionist, while being grumpy," Gladys: Yes, I would like that room. I haven't got all day to stand here.

"Bluey then responds to Gladys while no longer using the computer," Bluey: Right, that would be 130 dollarbucks. Please, now, how would you like to pay cash or card?

"Gladys then responds to Bluey in a grumpy mood," Muffin: CASH!!! Gladys then hands over pretend 130 dollars bucks to Bluey. Bluey then counts out the dollarbucks to make sure there are 130 dollarbucks.

"Then after Bluey counted the dollarbucks, she then said to Gladys in an excited and inexhaustible tone," Bluey: Righto mate, here's your key for the room. We hope you enjoy your stay here. If you have any questions, please call reception or come down to reception, and we will help you out. Bluey then hands over pretend keys for the room to Gladys.

"Muffin, playing as Gladys, said to Bluey in a grumpy tone," Muffin: Okay, good, and what about my bag? Do you expect me to carry my bag all the way to my room with a pain in my hip and back?

"Bluey then responds to Gladys' question," Bluey: Noo, not at all. I have my hotel helper that can carry your bag for you. Gladys then handed over her bag to Bingo.

"When Bingo got the bag, Bingo felt how heavy the bag was and said," Bingo: My, this is heavy. What have you got in this bag that is so heavy?

"Gladys then responded to Bingo in a grumpy way," Gladys: Nothing much, just some shoes and sunglasses. Bingo and Gladys are now walking down the hallway and making it to the room. Gladys then entered the room.

"Bingo then said to Gladys while she entered the room," Bingo: So do you like the room?

"Gladys then responds to Bingo while being grumpy," Gladys: Yes, I do now leave!!

"Bingo then left Gladys's room." "Bingo then goes down the hallway and makes it to the kitchen." Bingo then walks back to Gladys and opens the door.

"As Bingo is now in Gladys' room, she gets the frying pan and wooden spoon out." Bingo then uses the wooden spoon to hit the frying pan. Bingo then shouts out while hitting the frying pan, Bingo: Breakfast time! Breakfast Time! Who wants bacon!?

"Gladys then said to Bingo while being grumpy," Gladys: It's the middle of the night. Why would I want bacon at this hour?

"Bingo then shouted," Bingo: Who wants night bacon!!!

"Bluey then heard Bingo shout out night bacon, so Bluey made it into Gladys's room." "Bluey then said to Bingo," Bluey: Slobberdobber, what are you doing disturbing our guest?

"Bluey then said to Gladys," Bluey: I am so sorry, Ma'am I will make sure this doesn't happen again.

"Gladys then responded to Bluey in a grumpy tone," Muffin: Yeah, make sure your hotel helper doesn't keep on disturbing me while I sleep.

"Bluey then responded to Gladys in being calm and excited tone," Bluey: Ok, Ma'am, we will make sure this doesn't happen again. By the way, would you like anything?

"Muffin is playing as Gladys then thinks about what Bluey said to Bluey while being grumpy," Muffin: Yes, actually. I want another pillow and make sure it doesn't arrive to me late.

"Bluey then responds to Gladys," Bluey: Ok, we will be as quick as possible.

"Bingo then said to Bluey about being a crazy pillow," Bingo: Bluey?

"Bluey then looked at her sister and said to her," Bluey: Yes, Bingo.

"Bingo then asked," Bingo: Can I be a crazy pillow now?

"Bluey then responded to Bingo's question," Bluey: Yeah sure, Bingo, you can be a crazy pillow.

"When Bingo heard Bluey saying that she could be a crazy pillow, Bingo got excited and happy." "Bingo then responded to Bluey," Bingo: Wait, really, thank you, Bluey.

"Bluey then responded to Bingo," Bluey: You're welcome, Bingo.

"Then Bingo stays still to play as a crazy pillow." "Bluey then picks up Bingo and holds her like a pillow." "Bluey then said to Gladys while holding onto the pillow Bingo," Bluey: Here you are ma'am here's your brand new pillow. Bluey then hands out the crazy pillow to Muffin Muffin then grabs Bingo the crazy pillow puts it down on the bed and lays her head on the crazy pillow

"Gladys then said to Bluey while laying her head on the crazy pillow," Muffin: Good, you made it in time and not being slow. Muffin: This better not be a crazy pillow.

"Bluey then responded to Gladys," Bluey: Don't worry, ma'am, this pillow ain't a crazy pillow.

"Gladys then responded to Bluey in a grumpy but also glad tone," Muffin: Well good, at least this ain't a crazy pillow.

"Bluey giggled and smirked and responded to Gladys," Bluey: Exactly, it's a soft and comfy pillow, nothing suspicious at all.

"As Muffin has her head on Bingo, the crazy pillow, Bingo giggled a little and got ready to be a crazy pillow." "Bingo then begins to creep away from Muffin." "Gladys then noticed Bingo was getting away, so Gladys then playfully tackled Bingo down and put her, the crazy bed, back where the rest of the pillows are." "Muffin then lays her head on a crazy pillow."

"Gladys then said to herself while lying on the crazy pillow," Muffin: This is nice; now, my hip and back can be rested.

"Muffin then grabs Bluey and uses her as her blanket." "Bluey and Bingo then start to tickle Muffin." "As Muffin was getting tickled by her cousins, she then started to break character of being Gladys and started to laugh and say to her cousins," Muffin: Oh no why did you tickle you're making me break character?

"Bluey and Bingo then respond to their cousin's question," Bluey: That's because we are trying to make you break character of being a grumpy granny. Bingo: What Bluey, said is that's what we are doing to you; we want to make you laugh while breaking character.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, after Stripe, Trixie, Bandit, Chilli, and Simon have finished drinking tea they hear the kids laughing. "Trixie then said," Trixie: Oh, it looks like Bluey, Bingo, and Muffin are laughing.

"Stripe, Bandit, and Chilli then respond to Trixie," Stripe: Yeah, it does seem like they are having fun. Bandit and Chilli: Our kids have so much energy and they are hilarious.

Author Notes:

Hello everyone I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter sorry if I haven't been posting a brand new chapter I will try my best to post brand new chapters as soon as possible 

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