Chapter 18: Heeler Family and Simon Teasing

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"Then Chilli, Bandit, Bluey, Bingo, and Simon left the Playground and walked back home the heeler family and Simon are now walking down the pavement they then walked up the hill of the road and got close to their house." *Timeskip then everyone made it back to the heeler house* "Chilli then gets the key out and then everyone goes up the stairs and makes it to the balcony stoop." "When Chilli goes to put the key into the door to unlock it she said while being happy and glad to made it home." Chilli: It's good we made it back home because I want to go in and chill for a bit. "Then Bandit smiled at his wife and nodded at his wife agreeing about having a chill before they started to play imaginative games with their kids Bandit then said to Bluey and Bingo." Bandit: Alright girls once we get inside the house me and your mum are going to chill for a bit then after that we can play some games with each other. "When Bluey and Bingo heard their dad saying once they all get inside their dad and mum will chill out for a bit then they all play games they both understand and smile and then respond." Bluey and Bingo: Ok Mum and Dad we will let you have a chill but we will come back immediately and start playing with you, Mum and Dad. "When Chilli and Bandit both heard their daughters saying after she and her husband have done chilling that the kids will start playing with them immediately Chilli then responds to her kids while laughing and giggling a little." Chilli: You kids are funny and fun of energy so I wouldn't be too surprised and find a way to immediately get us to play with you. "Then Bandit responds to Bluey and Bingo while being confident, competitive, and teasing." Bandit: That might be true mates but as your parents we will always win you kids are silly. *Once the front door was open everyone made it inside* "While inside when Bluey heard from her dad that he called kids silly she responded in a playful surprise and shock." Bluey: How very dare you Dad us kids aren't silly. "Then Bingo then agreed with her older sister and then said to her dad." Bingo: Yeah Bluey is right, kids aren't silly. "Bluey then remembered what Mum told them when they were getting ready for bed which was she wanted no teasing at all so Bluey then said to her dad." Bluey: Mum said she wanted no teasing from anyone. "When Chilli heard Bluey saying that mum said she wanted no teasing from anyone she then responds to Bluey and her husband Bandit." Chilli: That's it is true Bluey I don't want teasing from anyone and that goes especially for you Mr. Heeler. "Bandit then responded to his wife Chilli and to his daughter Bluey." Bandit: It's only playful teasing Bluey but you and Bingo both love my teasing, even yous tease me as well and Chilli you know that me Bluey and Bingo do both tease each other as well. "Then Chilli then responds to her husband Bandit while smirking and grinning teasing." Chilli: Oh is that so Bluey is a bit cheeky? "Bandit can tell that his wife is teasing as well so he then responds to his wife." Bandit: Yes indeed she is. "Then Simon smirks a little and has an idea on how to deal with Bluey's and Bingo's mum and Dad so Simon then says to Bluey and Bingo while smirking and laughing at his plan." Simon: Aww don't worry Bluey and Bingo this guy over here also likes to tease as well but I also like to have a little fun as well and I have an idea to get your mum and dad back. "Chilli and Bandit can both tell that Simon has a plan in mind so Chilli then says to Simon in a teasing tone." Chilli: Ohhh is that right Mr. Simon Stanley? "Then Simon was surprised that Chilli would use his name like he was in trouble so he responded to Chilli while being confident and smirking." Simon: Oh Yes indeed Mrs Heeler I do have a plan in mind just you wait. "Then Chilli keeps up speaking to Simon in a teasing tone and laughing." Chilli: Oh I definitely can't wait to see what you got planned for us, Simon. "Then Bandit responded while having a brief idea and acting surprised." Bandit: Wait hang on what did I hear, oh no I'm not looking forward to finding out what you got planned, Simon mate. "Then Simon responds to Bandit while giggling, laughing, and smirking about his plan in mind on how to get Chilli and Bandit back for their teasing." Simon: Oh don't worry about Bandit just wait for it when it happens. "Then Chilli chuckles a bit and still keeps up with teasing so then she says to Simon." Chilli: Wackadoo mate you are being cheeky but we have to wait and see what you got planned for both of us. *Chilli and Bandit then walked upstairs and making to the living room* "Then Chilli and Bandit entered the living room and sat down on the couch." *Meanwhile Bluey, Bingo, and Simon are walking making it to the playroom* "As Bluey, Bingo, and Simon are walking Bluey then says to Simon while being curious and energetic." Bluey: So Simon you said while you were teasing our parents that you had a plan in mind on how you can get our parents back for teasing us, please tell us what your plan is me and Bingo won't tell Mum or Dad about the plan that you have in store for them. "Then Simon thinks about what Bluey said about her and her sister will not tell their parents about Simon's plan so Simon responds while being unsure and smirking." Simon: Uhm I'm unsure about that Bluey, cause I know kids can be too honest but I will take it with a grain of salt and say sure I trust you on this Bluey. "When Bluey heard Simon saying he would risk it and trust them to not tell their parents about Simon's plan she then responded to Simon while being excited and curious about Simon's plan." "So then Bluey asks Simon the question again about Simon's plan to get their mum and dad back." Bluey: So Simon, what is your plan to get our parents back for teasing us? "Then Simon then responds to Bluey's question on his plan to get them back." Simon: Ok I won't keep on stalling and I will get to the point this is how it will go basically, while Chilli and Bandit are chilling in the living room on the couch. I then go upstairs and sneakily, make it into the living room and sit behind the couch. Then after that out of nowhere, I jump up and tackle them and then start to tickle them and then that's when you both come in you then jump in surprise and make it over to Mum and Dad and start to tickle them until they give up so what do you think of that plan girls? "Then Bluey and Bingo both think of Simon's plan and smirk and start to do an evil laugh loving Simon's plan so then Bluey responds to Simon's question" Bluey: Oh me and Bingo love your plan mate and we can't wait to show our parents that us young lot can win. "Then Bingo thinks it's probably best if Simon does his plan immediately so then she says to Simon." Bingo: Oh Simon I think you better start your plan before it's too late. "Then Simon agrees with Bingo and then says to Bluey and Bingo." Simon: Yeah totally Bingo I will but let's all quickly get upstairs and get ready to surprise them and tickle them when they don't expect it. *The girls and Simon all agree to walk out of the playroom and make it upstairs and they get close to the living room* "Before Simon starts to walk into the living room and hide behind the couch where Chilli and Bandit are sitting, Simon then looks at the girls and starts to whisper to them." Simon: Right girls I'm going to sneakily walk into the living room and hide behind the couch where your parents are sitting when I do hide behind the couch I then look at you and give you a thumbs up to show that I'm hidden and yous can also enter the living room and hide to surprise them out of the blue. "Then Bluey and Bingo both nod at Simon to show they fully understand how he got this planned." *Simon then begins to sneakily walk into the living room and made it and manages to hide behind the couch without getting caught by Chilli and Bandit* *Simon then looks at Bluey and Bingo and gives them a thumbs up which signifies to them it's their turn to hide without getting spotted by their parents* *Bluey and Bingo then also started to sneakily walk into the living room and hidden*
*Meanwhile in the scene with Chilli and Bandit while they are talking in the background Bluey and Bingo are still walking sneakily without getting spotted* "Bandit then says to wife while Simon Bluey and Bingo are hidden in their places without getting spotted." Bandit: Wow, today was great. It was really fun we all had at the Playground. "Chilli then agrees with her husband about their family and Simon all had a great time at the Playground." Chilli: Yes indeed we did babe especially when we all had a go at pushing Bluey and Bingo on the swings. But we both know our cheeky girls will probably come in here in the living room at any moment and begin to play an imaginary game. "Then Bandit chuckles agreeing with his wife and then responds to his wife." Bandit: Yea totally Blue Cheese and little boo bear will definitely come in here with a lot of energy. *Simon jumps up and tackles Bandit and Chilli and starts to tickle them* *Meanwhile Chilli and Bandit start to laugh because Simon keeps tickling Chilli and Bandit* *Then Bluey and Bingo jump out of their hidden places and make and also start to tackle Mum and dad and tickle them as well* *Then Bandit managed then begins to playfully tackle Bluey and Bingo back and start to tickle them back* "Then Bluey then quickly had an idea on how to get out of the situation so she said to her sister." Bluey: Bingo? "When Bingo heard her name from her older sister she then responded to her sister." Bingo: Yes Bluey? "Then Bluey then explains her idea on how they can escape from being tickled by their dad." Bluey: Bingo here's my idea on how we can get out of the tickle trap, basically once Dad slowly stops tickling us then we move out of the way and do a runner. "Bingo then nods at her sister's idea and waits for their dad to slowly stop tickling them." "Once Chilli and Bandit slowly stop tickling Simon Bluey and Bingo." *Simon Bluey and Bingo then quickly move and stand up and start to run* "When Chilli and Bandit both see that Simon, Bluey, and Bingo are running they then get up and Chilli then says to her husband* Chilli: Darl it looks like Simon Bluey and Bingo are trying to escape from us so I go after Simon and you go get the girls. "Then Bandit nods at his wife, liking her idea so then Chilli and Bandit get up from the floor." *Chilli and Bandit then split up and begin to chase after Simon, Bluey, and Bingo* *Simon Bluey and Bingo notice that Chilli and Bandit are chasing them so Simon then splits up from Bluey and Bingo* *Chilli then runs after Simon trying to capture him, Simon then runs more without trying to get caught by Chilli* "While Chilli is chasing after Simon she then says to Simon in a playful and laughing tone." Chilli: I'm going to get you Simon and I'm going to tickle you until you surrender. "Then Simon keeps running and joining in on the fun and then says to Chilli while laughing and being confident." Simon: Yeah I won't let that happen Chilli I'm going to make sure that I don't stop running and let you tickle me. *Meanwhile with Bluey and Bingo they are still running away from their dad but Bingo can't keep up with her older sister since she's got little legs Bingo then sees how close dad is to her so she then says while being shocked and worried of getting caught by her dad." Bingo: Bluey!? "As Bluey was still running she then turned to the right side where Bingo would normally be when they both ran together but when she noticed that Bingo was no longer with her." *Bluey heard her younger sister call her name so she turned her head to face where Bingo was calling her.* "Then Bluey sees that their dad is close to catching her younger sister. Bluey quickly thinks to save her sister and help her get away from dad or Bluey continues running without her."
Bluey mind: I have to think of this very quickly before I'm too late to make a decision to save my sister or continue running. "Then Bluey has thought on what to do so instead of counting on running away from dad, Bluey then turns around and goes to save her sister."
"When Bluey has made it over to Bingo she then checks behind her sister to see how long they have until Dad will capture them." "Bluey then sees that Bandit is getting a bit closer to them so then Bluey then turns to face Bingo and then says to her." Bluey: Quick Bingo get on my back. *Bingo then hopped on Bluey's back and held onto her* "Then Bluey ran while giving Bingo a piggyback ride and they made it to the end of the bedrooms between Bluey and Bingo's shared bedroom or the spare bedroom which is Simon's bedroom for the moment so Bluey then runs into their bedroom Bluey then makes it to Bingo's bed and then help Bingo get down from Bluey's back." *Simon then goes downstairs quickly and when he makes it downstairs he turns his left and starts to run down the hallway making it to Bluey and Bingo's playroom* *Chilli also makes it downstairs and turns her left and starts back up running to catch Simon* "Simon then went to the backyard when he made it. He looks for a hidden place to hide from Chilli." "Simon then finds a hidden place which he found a wall bush to hide." "Simon then hides in the wall bush and stays quiet so he doesn't get spotted by Chilli." *Chilli then makes it to the backyard and looks for Simon and so far she can't see him* "Chilli then says to herself while being confused and surprised that Simon managed to find somewhere to find." Chilli: Wakadoo that's weird it seems that I can't find Simon I must admit he did a great job finding a spot. "Once Chilli had given up looking for Simon for now she then goes to help her husband to find Bluey and Bingo." "When Simon saw that Chilli had stopped looking for him he then left the bush wall while he brushed himself off he then said to himself." Simon: Few that were close. I really thought that Chilli would be able to find me. "As Simon was walking back inside he thought of a good idea but he would need to go to the kitchen to get it." *Timejump and Simon had just entered the kitchen and he looked around the kitchen to see if he could find what he was looking for* "Then Simon managed to find what he was looking for he then says to himself while doing a playful evil laugh." Simon: I can't wait to use this on Chilli and Bandit they would not know what hit them. *When Bandit sees his wife joining him he then says to Chilli while smiling." Bandit: Did you manage to catch Simon? "When Chilli heard her husband that if she managed to catch Simon she then said to Simon while being disappointed and surprised." Chilli: Sadly not love Simon is one very kid. "Bandit then responds to his wife while being supportive and reassuring her that they will find Simon." Bandit: Don't worry babe I'm sure we will find Simon he couldn't have gotten that far. *Meanwhile Bluey and Bingo are hidden under Bingo's bed and they can hear parents nearby* *Chilli and Bandit then entered Bluey's and Bingo's bedroom looking for them* *Suddenly Chilli's ears moved signifying that she definitely knows that Bluey and Bingo are in this room but no sure where exactly* *Suddenly on top of Bingo's bed Bingo's toy Poppy falls down onto the floor and Chilli sees Bingo's toy on the floor so she goes over to pick up and put it back on Bingo's bed* "As Chilli was getting down to get Bingo's toy she then sees Bluey and Bingo hidden." "Once Bluey and Bingo noticed that Mum spotted them they then said."
Bluey and Bingo: Aww duck cake "Bluey and Bingo quickly get out hidden under the bed and start running again." "Chilli then says to Bandit out loud." Chilli: Quick Bandit! The girls are getting away again. "When Bandit heard his wife say that he then said with a bit of a disappointed tone." Bandit: Aww biscuits right let's quickly get them. *Time Jump and Bluey Bingo Chilli and Bandit are now out of the bedroom and now in the hallway and begin to run again* *As Simon is hidden in the hallway pantry once Bluey and Bingo have gone past the pantry Simon then busts down the doors and jumps out of the pantry and gets ready to use his food item as a weapon."

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