Chapter 15: Simon's Discovery Of Getting Back Home

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*Timeskip after Simon, Bluey, Bingo, and Socks have finished eating edamame beans, they get back to playing hotels* *Meanwhile, with Chilli, Bandit, Stripe, and Trixie, they are still chatting about different stuff* *It's now 5 pm and Trixie and Stripe both see it's nearly time to go home so Stripe shouted out to Muffin and Socks* Stripe: Muffin and Socks yous don't have long until we have to go home! "When Muffin and Socks heard that they don't have long until they have to go home, they say to Dad." Muffin and Socks: Ok, Dad, how long do we have until we get to go home? "Then Stripe thinks about Muffin and Socks' question and looks at his wife." *Trixie, then looked at her husband* "and said to him." Trixie: I would say we will leave in 10 minutes. "Then Stripe then nods his head and says to both Muffin and Socks." Stripe: We will be leaving in 10 minutes, girls. "When Muffin and Socks hear that they will be leaving in 10 minutes, they say to dad, ok, dad." "Muffin then says to Bluey and Bingo in a disappointed tone." Muffin: It's not fair. I don't want to go home yet. I want to spend more time with my cousins. "Bluey, then look at Muffin and understand where Muffin is coming from, so she says to Muffin." Bluey: It's ok Muffin you will get to see us again soon. "Muffin then nods her head and agrees with Bluey and says to her." Muffin: Yeah, I guess you are right, Bluey, we will get to see each other soon. "Socks then joined the conversation and said to Bluey and Bingo." Socks: I enjoyed having fun with yous Bluey and Bingo. "Bingo then smiled while being happy and said to Socks." Bingo: Awww, thank you. Socks, me and Bluey had a lot of fun with you and Muffin. "Socks then said to Bluey and Bingo about what she thought of the human Simon." Socks: Also, even though we didn't know about Simon in the beginning, I'm starting to like him as a friend. He's very nice and friendly to us. "Simon then smiled and was happy that Socks liked him, so he said to Socks." Simon: Awww, thank you, Socks, for the compliment that means a lot to him, and I'm glad you started to see me as your friend even though I'm a human. "Socks then said to Simon." Socks: It's no problem, Simon. I'm just glad to meet someone new even though we haven't heard of them before. "Muffin then agrees with her sister Socks and says to Simon."
Muffin: Yeah, I agree with Socks, your great person, and it's good that you are just like the rest of us. "Simon then said thanks to both Muffin and Socks, then Stripe and Trixie both saw it's been 10 minutes, so Trixie called out for Muffin and Socks." Trixie: Girls, it's time to go home. Make sure you say goodbye to your cousins Bluey and Bingo and also say bye to Simon as well. "When Muffin and Socks heard their name being called by their mum, they said goodbyes to their cousins Bluey and Bingo, and they also said bye to Simon."Simon then said to Muffin and Socks." Simon: Bye Muffin and Socks, see you soon, girls. "Bluey and Bingo then give their cousins Muffin and Socks a hug, and they said to them." Both Bluey and Bingo: Bye Muffin and Socks, we will see you soon. "Muffin and Socks get up and leave the bedroom and make it to the living room where their mum Trixie and dad Stripe are." *Simon, Bluey, and Bingo go to join Muffin and Socks by going to the living room as well* "When Muffin, Socks, Simon, Bluey, and Bingo made it into the living room, Trixie and Stripe then said to Simon."
Trixie: Thank you, Simon, for playing with my daughters. You didn't have to, but I was glad you did anyway. I'll see you later. Stripe: Bye Simon, mate, it was great to meet an actual human. "Simon then said to Stripe. Simon: Thanks for the compliment, Stripe and I will see you soon as well. "Simon then looked at Trixie and said to Trixie." Simon: It's not a problem, Trixie. It was lots of fun. *Chilli, Bandit, Stripe, Trixie, Bluey, Bingo, Muffin, Socks, and Simon all start to walk out of the living room and make it downstairs and make to the front door*
"When they reach the door, Stripe opens the door, and Stripe, Trixie, Muffin, and Socks then make out to the balcony stoop. When they do, they turn around to face Bluey Bingo Chilli and Bandit and Simon." "Trixie then looks at Chilli and says to her." Trixie: Thanks, Chilli, for having us here. "Chilli then responds to Trixie." Chilli: You're welcome Trixie, it was good having yous here. We will see each other next week. "Stripe and Trixie then agreed about them coming over next week and said to Chilli." Stripe: Yeah, totally Chilli dog. We will see yous next week. Trixie: Of course, we will come over next week. I like spending time with my family and my co-sister-in-law. "Chilli then smiled and was happy with Trixie's compliment and said to her." Chilli: Aww, thank you,Trixie. That means a lot to me, and I enjoy spending time with my co-sister-in-law as well. "Then Bandit looks at his younger brother and says to him in a happy and cheeky tone." Bandit: It was great spending time with you, mate, but big brothers always beat little brothers. "Stripe knew that his older brother would say that, so he said to his older brother." Stripe: Yeah, keep dreaming mate you might be older than me, but I will always win in the end. "Stripe and Trixie then looked at their kids Muffin and Socks and said to them."
both Stripe and Trixie: Right girls, are yous all ready to go home? "Muffin then responded to her parents." Muffin: Yes, mum and dad, I am ready to go home. Socks: I'm ready as well to go home. "Stripe, Trixie, Muffin, and Socks then say to Bluey, Bingo, Chilli, Bandit, and Simon while Stripe, Trixie Muffin and Socks are starting to walk down the stairs and wave goodbye." Muffin and Socks family: Bye Bluey Bingo Bandit Chilli and Simon, we will see you soon. Bluey's family: then says goodbye to Muffin and Socks family while waving goodbye as well. "Simon said goodbye to Muffin and Socks' family." *After Muffin Socks Trixie and Stripe go down the stairs they start to walk back home* "When Bluey Bingo Bandit Chilli and Simon then see that they have now gone from their site they begin to turn around and go inside and Chilli shut the door behind her." "Simon then looks at Chilli and Bandit and then says to them." Simon: Wow, your family is kind. I think they like me. "Chilli and Bandit then said to Simon." Chilli and Bandit: Yes, instead they are, and yes, they enjoy getting to know and see how amazing of a person you are. "Chilli then added onto the conversation." Chilli: Also, that's not all, Stripe and Trixie both told me how much Muffin and Socks had fun with you as well, Simon. "Simon then thanked Chilli and was glad that their family enjoyed having Simon." "Chilli then looked at the time, and it was 5:20 pm so she said to everyone." Chilli: Right, I will go and get started with dinner." "Everyone then said to Chilli, ok." "Time Jump and everyone has finished dinner, then they all go play some games." "Bluey then looked at Bingo and said to her." Bluey: What game do you want to play Bingo? "Bingo then responded to her sister's question." Bingo: I have no idea, Bluey. What about you, Bluey? "Bluey then thinks about Bingo's question and then says to her." Bluey: We could play doctor and nurse. "Bingo then likes that game idea, so she said to Bluey." Bingo: Ok Bluey, but who's going to be our patient? "Both Bluey and Bingo look at their dad." "Bandit then sees his daughters looking at him, and he automatically knows the girls want him to play a game, so he says to them." Bandit: Yeah, sure, Bluey and Bingo, I play with you.
"When Bluey and Bingo heard that Bandit would play their game with them, they said to their dad." Bluey and Bingo: Thanks, Dad, for agreeing to play games with us. "Bandit then smiled at his daughters and said to them." Bandit: It's no problem mate, right what game do you and Bingo want to play? "Bluey and Bingo then answer their dad's question." Bluey and Bingo: We want to play doctors and nurses, and you be the patient. "When Bandit heard about the game, the girls wanted to play with their dad, he said to them." Bandit: Wait what ohhh biscuits. *In the next scene, Bandit walks into Bluey's and Bingo's playroom and uses the pillows to have a lying patient chair* "Then nurse Bingo comes closer towards patient Bandit and says to him." Bingo: Hello big fella what brings you to see Doctor Bluey? "Bandit who is lying down on the patient chair, says to Nurse Bingo."
Bandit: Well, I'm here today because my belly has been hurting a lot recently, so that's why I'm here for Doctor Bluey. "Bingo then makes a thinking noise and then says to Bandit." Bingo: Yeah, they do sound like an issue. ok, I go and get Doctor Bluey to sort you out it shouldn't take too long. *Bingo then starts to leave and goes to see Doctor Bluey* "When Bingo arrived at Doctor Bluey's office, she knocked on the door." *Doctor Bluey then hears the knock on the door so she says out loud* Bluey: You may enter. *Nurse Bingo then opens Doctor Bluey's office and walks inside* "When Doctor Bluey saw Nurse Bingo in her office, she said to Nurse Bingo." Bluey: What brings you into my office nurse Bingo? "Nurse Bingo then looks at Doctor Bluey and says to her." Bingo: Well, doctor Bluey, we got a big fella who came into your doctor's room today, and he said his belly has been hurting a lot recently. "Then Doctor Bluey then makes hmm noise and then says to Nurse Bingo." Bluey: Right, I go over to the big fella, and I see what I can do to help him out. *Bluey then leaves her office and makes it to the doctor's room where Bandit is* "When Bluey then arrives at the doctor's room, she goes to Bandit and says to him." Bluey: What's the problem you have been having today, Mr. Heeler? "Bandit then responds to Doctor Bluey's question." Bandit: G'day, doctor. I have been having problems with my belly because it's been constantly hurting. *Bluey gets her clipboard, and she starts to write down what Bandit has been telling the doctor* "Doctor Bluey then says to Bandit while writing on the clipboard." Bluey: Ok Mr Heeler when did this all start? "Then Bandit then responded to Doctor Bluey's question." Bandit: Yes this has been going on for 8 days. "Then Bluey then wrote down on the clipboard while concluding and said to him." Bluey: Right Mr Heeler here's the problem, my assistant here Nurse Bingo did some x raying on you to find out what your problem is. Bluey: It shows on the x-ray that you got an animal stuck in your belly so no need to worry we just need to get the animal out of your belly. "Bandit then looked at Doctor Bluey and said to her." Bandit: Ok doctor can we get this animal out of my belly today? "Doctor Bluey then thinks about Bandit's question and then says to him." Bluey: Yeah it's probably best if we get started on getting that animal out of your belly. "Bandit then looked at Doctor Bluey and said to her." Bandit: Alright thank you, Doctor. "Bluey then leaves Bandit so she can get the equipment she needs to be able to remove the animal from his belly." "Bandit then had a thought of what animal is in his belly so he waits until Doctor Bluey comes back." "When Doctor Bluey came back from getting the equipment she then said to Bandit." Bluey: Right fella before we get started on getting that animal from your belly. Are there any questions you have before we start? "Then Bandit looked at Doctor Bluey and responded to her question." Bandit: Yes doctor I do, what animal do I have stuck in my belly? "Doctor Bluey then thought about Bandit's question and responded to his question." Bluey: Well I don't know but I can go and ask Nurse Bingo for you. "Bandit then nods his head at Doctor Bluey letting her know to ask the nurse." *Doctor Bluey then leaves the doctor's room and goes back to where Bingo is*
"When Doctor Bluey made it to Nurse Bingo she said to her." Bluey: Uhmm Nurse Bingo? "Nurse Bingo then looked at Doctor Bluey and said to her." Bingo: Hello doctor Bluey, how can I help you? "Doctor Bluey then responded to Nurse Bingo's question." Bluey: Well the patient you were talking about the big fella he asked a question of what animal is inside, his belly do you have any idea what animal is in his belly? "Nurse Bingo then thinks about Doctor Bluey's question from Bandit and says to Doctor Bluey." Bingo: I can go and have a look at the x-ray and find out what animal it is. Bingo: Once I find out what animal it is, I will come back into the doctor's room and then I will tell you. *Doctor Bluey then comes back into the doctor's room and then sat down on her doctor's chair and says to Bandit* Bluey: Right, I just asked Nurse Bingo and she told me that she will have another look at the x-ray and she came here and let us know. "Bandit then looks at Doctor Bluey and nods and says ok." "Meanwhile with Bingo, she's in Doctor Bluey's office and then has another look at the x-ray." *When Nurse Bingo has another look at the x-ray she then sees a cat in Bandit's belly so she takes the piece of paper of Bandit's x-ray and she goes back to the Doctor's room* *Nurse Bingo then arrives at the doctor's room and knocks on door* "Then doctor Bluey heard the knock on the door and then she said from the doctor's room." Bluey: Yes? "Nurse Bingo then says to Bluey from outside the doctor's room." Bingo: It's me Nurse Bingo, I have got an answer from a big fella x-ray which says what animal is in his belly. "Bluey then says to Nurse Bingo from inside the doctor's room." Bluey: Alrighty Nurse Bingo you may enter. *Nurse Bingo then opens the doctor's room and enters the room and then says to Doctor Bluey while giving her the results for Bandit's x-ray* *Bluey then has a look at the results for Bandit's x-ray and then says* Bluey: Right big fella me and nurse Bingo had a look at your x-ray and it shows the animal that has been stuck in your belly is a cat. "Bluey then added onto the convocation and then said to Bandit."
Bluey: Is there a chance that you might have eaten a cat? "Bandit then starts to laugh and then says to Doctor Bluey." Bandit: No I haven't eaten a cat but I'm not sure how the cat got in my belly. "Then Doctor Bluey then said to Bandit." Bluey: Ok then let's begin on removing that cat out of your belly. *Timeskip to Doctor Bluey uses the equipment to help get the cat out of Bandit's belly which was a toy plush of a cat* "Bandit, Bluey, and Bingo started to laugh about how there was a toy cat in his belly." "Then it was 7:10 pm and then Chilli called out to Bluey and Bingo from upstairs."
Chilli: Girls it's time for a bath. "Bluey and Bingo don't feel like taking a bath so Bluey then says while complaining." Bluey: Aww do I have to take a bath mum? "Chilli can hear Bluey and Bingo complaining about having to take a bath so Chilli says to her." Chilli: Girls you know the answer, you do have to take a bath or you would be stinky. *When Bluey and Bingo go upstairs they see Simon chilling on the couch* "Bingo then says to mum." Bingo: But I wanted to be stinky. *Chilli then chuckles a little and then says to her daughter Bingo* Chilli: Sweetie, I know you do, but can you both please? "Bingo then thinks about what mum said and then responds to mum."
Bingo: Ok, mum, I'm coming. "Chilli then asks Bluey the same thing about her taking a bath as well." Chilli: "Bluey, can you please take a bath as well please." "Bluey then responded to mum."
Bluey: But why do I have to do it? "When Chilli hears her daughter Bluey refusing to take a bath Chilli then walks over to Bluey and gives her the mum stare."  *When Bluey sees Mum's stare she automatically stops complaining and then says to Mum." Bluey: Ok mum I'm coming as well. *Simon then chuckles laughing a little because of how hard the girls are trying not to take a bath* "Suddenly from the bathroom while the door is still open
"Chilli then says out loud to Simon while laughing and being happy." Chilli: Mr Simon you cheeky boy I can hear you laughing from here." "Simon then was shocked that he could have been laughing from the living room so he said out loud to Chilli." Simon: How did you hear me from the living room? *Chilli then comes out of the bathroom and goes to the living room and then says to him with a cheek and happy smile* Chilli: That's because Simon when you have been a patient for a long enough over time you get better at sensing stuff. "Simon then starts to understand so he says to her." Simon: Aww ok that makes sense." *Time jumps to 7:20 pm Bluey and Bingo both get out of the bath and Chilli wraps the towel around Bluey and Bingo and takes them to their room to get dried* "When Chilli, Bluey, and Bingo made it to Bluey's and Bingo's bedroom, Chilli began to dry Bluey off with the towel." *Then after Chilli finish drying off Bluey, she begins to brush her hair after Chilli brush Bluey's hair she says to Bluey* Chilli: There you go sweetheart. "Bluey then thanked her mum and, then Chilli said to Bingo." Chilli: Right honey it's time to dry and brush your hair as well. "Bingo then said ok to her mum and then Bingo went to stand on the carpet waiting for mum to help her with drying her and brushing her hair." *Chilli then comes over to Bingo and starts to dry her off with the towel* *Then after Chilli dry off Bingo she gets the hair, brush and sits down on Bluey's bed and begins to brush Bingo's hair* *Chilli then starts to brush Bingo's hair with the hairbrush* "Then Chilli then finished brushing Bingo hair she then said to her." Chilli: There you go honey all done. *Bandit then enter Bluey's and Bingo's bedroom* "It was then 7:30 pm and Bluey and Bingo got into bed, Chilli and Bandit then said to their daughters." "Chilli and Bandit: Right girls before you go to sleep would you like to hear a bed story." "Bluey and Bingo then nod their heads to the bedtime story." *Timeskip after Chilli and Bandit read a bedtime story to Bluey and Bingo, Bluey and Bingo then went to sleep* "When Chilli and Bandit both see their daughters are asleep they then leave the bedroom and turn off their bedroom lights and shut their bedroom door." "Then Chilli and Bandit walk down the hallway and make it to the living room where Simon is." "When Chilli made it to the living room where Simon is sitting on the couch Chilli then said to Simon." Chilli: Hey Simon mate, what you been up to while me and Bandit were putting the girls to bed? "Simon then looked at Chilli and then said to her." Simon: Hi Chilli I have been going on my phone watching some videos on TikTok. "Chilli then says to Simon." Chilli: Wakadoo that's cool. Do you make videos on TikTok? "Simon then looks at Chilli and then responds to her question." Simon: Yeah sometimes but not a lot because I don't really know what to post and also, TikTok is a joke at times. *Chilli then nods at Simon understanding him* "Bandit then joins in the conversation and then says to Simon." Bandit: So mate, is there anything else you do when you don't post TikTok videos? "Simon then responds to Bandit's question."
Simon: Well when I don't post TikTok videos I usually watch TikTok videos, or browse through Instagram, to see what's getting posted. "Bandit then nods his head and says ok." *Timeskip to 11:30 pm and now Simon, Chilli, and Bandit are getting up from the couch and making it to their bedroom* "Then when Simon, Chilli, and Bandit had made it to the bedroom,  Chilli and Bandit both said to Simon." Chilli and Bandit: Right-o Simon goodnight we will see you tomorrow morning don't forget to wake us up if there's a problem. "Simon then nods at Chilli and Bandit about waking them up if he faces a problem and then says back to Chilli and Bandit." Simon: Ok Chilli and Bandit I will let you know if I face a problem goodnight Chilli and Bandit. *Simon then opens his spare bedroom door which is next to Bluey's and Bingo's shared bedroom* *Chilli and Bandit then open their bedroom door and make it inside their bedroom* *Simon Chilli and Bandit then shut their bedroom door*
"Time Jump to the next scene where it's 2 am and everyone is all fast asleep apart from Simon he's on his phone watching YouTube videos* "Suddenly while Simon was on his phone he remembered to have another look to find a way back home on Google." *Simon then gets his phone and exits YouTube and goes on Google then when Simon makes it to Google* he begins to search up "how do I get back home when I teleport to a different universe." "When Simon searches it up he then gets a result that matches what Simon is looking for." *Simon then clicks on the site and it takes Simon to a site with information and instructions on how he can get back home which reads: To able to get teleport back your home world there you have to wait for a few days until the portal opens up when it does you can go through it but if you spent too long and not get in the portal the portal will disappear and you have to wait for next time when it opens." *When Simon had read about how he could get back home he said to himself* Simon mind: Awww that's how it works I just got to stay in the Bluey universe, for a few days then I can go home ok I will tell the rest tomorrow morning. *Time Jump and now it's 2:30 am Simon then gets his phone charger and puts his phone on charge and puts his phone on the nightstand and then Simon goes to sleep*

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