CHAPTER 12: Learning it all again.

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"That's all I can spare." Answered the city leader, meeting Elliott's eyes.

"50 extra soldiers is plenty, thank you for even the smallest contribution." Elliott answered with a smile.

The city leader sighed in relief.

"Now, unless you have anything else to may leave."

"Um- no your majesty." The city leader replied, before getting up to leave...

Echo watched as the leader left...

"Call in the next one?" He asked.

Elliott crossed off another Solarian city...only a few meetings left.

"Yes." He answered, adjusting his shoulders.

Echo popped back into the waiting room, where only a few city leaders were remaining...

Then Deq walked up!

"May I?" He asked, pointing towards the door.

"Always." Echo responded, gesturing Deq in.

The draconian walked into the meeting room with a smile.

"About time!" Elliott greeted!

"Yes yes, I apologize for taking so long." Deq said as he sat down.

"I can count on your best Draconian knights?" Elliott asked.

"Of course! Me as well, obviously." Deq assured.

"I must, however, discuss other urgent business with you."

Elliott tilted his head.

"...We caught a Severance transport ship landing at the compound. They got some more backup." Deq said.

"So? We have quite a lot of our own forces at this point, they don't stand a chance." Elliott replied.

"...That's the problem..." Deq mumbled...

He pulled a projection disc from his pants pocket, and put it on the table...

The disc projected a photo into the air...Ferdinand, Parker, and...Styx. Caught when he arrived.

"Is that-?" Elliott began.

"Yes." Deq cut him off.

He then tapped the disc, and the image switched to a close-up of Styx, and compared it to a portrait of Styx that was in the public domain.

"We have an ancient void demon on our hands."

Elliott leaned forward, looking at the modern-day Styx.

"He's got their goddamn logo...he's working for them!"

Julius held the stitches in his shoulder.

"Both my sons...gods!" He mumbled.

"Your very lucky your majesty! Your one of the few people to ever achieve such!" Ita said happily.

"It is still quite bizarre, what could have caused such?" Sage asked, walking back over with a new rag for Julius.

"I have learned to not question the will of the gods souls, they chose whatever is available to them." Ita answered, smiling over at Sage.

"Now, I recommend you rest. I'll be back-"

Ita left the room with Julius and Sage and entered the room adjacent.

Zero was sat on a small bundle of straw and cloth, with Bruce, Sparky, and Kami standing over him.

"How's it going?" Ita asked.

"...Weirdly. All these memories are..." Zero mumbled.

"I know. It is a lot to take in. Synchronizing with a god takes some work, but its worth it."

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