Chapter 16: The United States Part 1

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Chapter 16: The United States Part 1

July 7th, 2053

Rontak Valley, Capital City of Ronta, Imperial Palace

"What the hell does that self righteous asshole think he's doing!" Emperor Rontus screamed.

He had just received an update from his highest military advisor, Legatus Vislex on the fortifications in the Kashir Forest. His son, Crown Prince Cevlion Rontus IX, was in the Kashir Forest completely uprooting their meticulously planned defensive operations.

"He's supposed to be negotiating a treaty with the dark elves, damnit!" The Emperor exclaimed. "How the hell did he even get to the Kashir Forest without anyone knowing?"

"We've contacted the remaining delegation at the Shorvull Forest, Your Majesty," Legatus Vislex replied. "The Prince gave them explicit instructions not to tell you or anyone else of his whereabouts."

The Emperor was furious. His daughter was either dead or in the hands of the enemy and now his son was jeopardizing the defense against the Americans? What was that imbecile even thinking? If he was there then surely he knew of the Americans and their weaponry.

That wasn't even the worst of it though. The Prince also gave the order to burn crops and salt the land between the Kashir Forest and Rontak's Reach. What would happen to the people caught in the middle of this conflict? Being in the war path of the Americans was bad enough, possibly even a death sentence, but now they were being attacked by the Empire itself as well?

If word spread about the threat in the west it would incite panic across the Empire, not to mention the possibility of rebellion due to the Prince's actions. If people throughout the Empire knew what was really going on there would be widespread unrest. This was a dangerous situation that had to be resolved quickly.

He couldn't just order General Ulmok to arrest Prince Cevlion. Doing so could spark a civil war; his son was known for making rash decisions and there were plenty of soldiers who agreed with him. Not many approved of the defensive plan he and his generals had come up with. Some would remain loyal to him, others would side with the Prince. Besides, if General Ulmok and his men were willing to stand up to the Prince, they would have already done so themselves.

He needed another solution. A way to get the Prince out of the way without directly involving the army. Perhaps the Order of the Dragon could help...

"Vislex, what's left of the Order of the Dragon is en route to Duremar, correct?"

"That's right, Your Majesty," Vizlex replied. "They set out as soon as word reached them about Princess Maribelle."

"I want to speak with them immediately," the Emperor declared.

"I will contact the remaining commanders at once, Your Majesty," Vislex replied. He turned to leave, but the Emperor stopped him.

"Wait. Use the mana comm in my personal study," the Emperor said, gesturing to the door behind his throne. "We cannot let word of the Prince's actions spread any further than they already have."

"As you wish, Your Majesty," Vislex said with a bow. Then he went into the Emperor's private study.

July 8th, 2053

Duremar Plains, Fort Roanoke

After escorting the princess around all day yesterday, Daniel was called back to Lieutenant General Reed's office. As he had anticipated, a rescue effort was being sent out to recover the remaining abducted civilians. The 4th Deep Recon Team would be part of it. Because they planned to go so deep into enemy territory, they were bringing along a logistic truck to carry extra fuel, batteries, supplies, etc.

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