Chapter 1: The News

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Anakin walked through the Jedi temple. Everyone was in a light mood. He and Padme had just finished a meeting with the Jedi Council.

"That went well." Padme said rubbing her hands together looking at Anakin. Anakin smiled, "Did you have doubts?"

"Some." Padme replied. "I'm excited now."

"I am too. We just have to tell the rest of the men." Anakin said opening the lift. "Ani" Padme said, "Some of the men have already formed attachments."

"I know, but some of them may need some reassurance." Anakin said looking at her. "Not to pinpoint certain ones."

"Ah, I see." Padme said and exited the lift. Before she could say anything else two young voices cried in union. "Mommy! Daddy!"

"Hey Luke! Princess, did your studies go well? Were you well behaved?" Anakin asked picking Luke up and tussling his hair.

"They both did wonderful." Madame Jacosta said coming up to the two of them. "They both are very intelligent."

"Ah, that's good to here. Thank you Madame Jacosta for looking after them." Padme said warmly.

"It was not a worry my dear." Jacosta said taking Padme's hands and holding them for a moment. "What you two are working on is very important for the future of the clones and Jedi. It is the least I could do." Padme smiled. "I must go." Jacosta said. "If you are in ever need, let me know."

"We will." Anakin said with a slight bow, "thanks again." Jacosta smiled at all of them and turned to leave.

"We need to head to the Senate. I want to get this out as soon as possible." Padme said looking at Anakin. "Will do."


Anakin's hand hovered over the record button. "Are you ready?" Padme took a deep breath. "Yup. I'm ready." Anakin nodded and pressed the record button.

Padme began:

"Citizens and Soldiers, I'd like to at a few things, first to the Soldiers of the GAR. You are now free to do what you feel. Wether that be starting a family, leaving the GAR, travelling, what ever. You will be known as a Citizen. For, you are a person, like us. As for the people, you know have the chance to becoming a soldier of the republic. If that is what you wish. The Jedi are also able to do as they please. Start a family, leave the order, it is up to you to decide. Thank you for taking the time out to listen to this message." Padme looked at Anakin. Anakin pushed the button.

"Ah, now it feels for official." Padme said excitedly.

"MOMMY! Help!" Cried a young voice. "Luke! Dear, what is going on?" Padme asked gaining her balance from the sudden collision.

"It's Leia! She's hitting me hard!"

"Leia." Anakin said in a stern voice.

"Dad." Leia said rolling her eyes. "It's Luke! He needs to practice blocking! It's not my fault!" Leia said swinging her stick.

"You need to practice hitting not so hard." Luke contradicted rubbing his head. Anakin sighed and bent done to Leia's level.

"Try to go easy on him Leia, he'll catch on soon." He said putting a hand on her shoulder. He then added, "Also, what did I say about training sticks outside the training room?"

"Not to have them out of the room." But Leia added, "But why do you get to carry yours around outside of the training room?"

"Because I'm finished my training, mine is an actual weapon, and, because I am your Father. Do I make myself clear?"

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