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          ➵❝They don't believe in us, but I believe in the enemy.

"Hey! Wait up, I'm still getting my boots on!"


"Has anyone seen my mask?"

'Who's mask?'

"Dude, wake up already! Get! Up!"

'...what's going on?'

"Are we almost ready to go?"

'Go where?'

"You have my mask! Give it back!"

'Who are you?'

"No way! If you want it, then come get it!"

'What's happening?'

"...I'll take that as a no."

'Where am I? Why is everything so... blurry?'

"Faith, did get you get the car keys?"


I woke up to a loud pounding on the covered, falsely boarded doors of the old gas station convenience store I've been squatting in for who knows how long. It was sudden, and I got up with a jolt. I looked around, and still heard those voices from my dream in the back of my head, even if they were faint. My ears rang for a while, and I heard faint, child-like laughter that almost echoed through the small building, even if it wasn't really there. My vision was fuzzy and I picked up the radio next to the spot on the cloth tarp on the ground where I slept. Like always, I kept it nearby and right next to the backpack and jacket I always tossed down. Luckily it was a weirdly modern one with a small, digital clock on the little display screen that was usually for showing frequencies, channels and all that.

'...18:45? Guess I knocked out... who the hell--?'

I heard the loud pounding again and a familiar voice calling my name out.

"Faith! Are you in there? Helloooooo?"

'...yeah, that would be Ghoul. Why the hell are the Fab Four here?'

A couple weeks after that first encounter-- and what I'd assumed was the last-- I'd run into the same Killjoys a couple more times on a whim. I wouldn't call us friends or anything, but they've stopped by my place a couple times to get some gas from the old pumps out front.

Ghoul kept pounding the door, and I slightly groaned before answering.

"I'm going, I'm going! Christ..."

I smoothed my hair down a little and tied it back since I didn't feel like brushing it and felt around to look for my glasses before finding them, putting them on and getting up. The glasses fit a little odd, but I've been having them since the start of all this stuff started all those years ago anyway, so what can I expect? Getting up was a slight struggle, and I didn't bother struggling further to put my shoes on. I rubbed my eyes and got up, walking over to the door, tiredly fumbling with the lock and chains behind the old gas station convenience store's handlebars. I opened the door with a less than excited look-- quite contradicting to the person in front of me.

"What?", I tried again to blink the sleep out of my eyes, though it was to no avail.

"There you are! You look like shit.", Ghoul only smiled at me. Whether it was because I was still way too tired for this or not, it felt a tad infuriating.

❝𝘽𝙪𝙩 𝙂𝙤𝙙𝙙𝙖𝙢𝙢𝙞𝙩! 𝙄 𝙃𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪! (𝙄 𝙎𝙬𝙚𝙖𝙧, 𝙄 𝘿𝙤.)❞Where stories live. Discover now