Chapter 7

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"So, this is where we're gonna set up shop?" Philky asked Emiko as she showed him the Lighthouse.

"I know, there's a lot to be desired about it, but I think it has strategic value. Though it will probably look more impressive once you tell me where to find those hidden ASA billions, since you can't get a high paying tech job until after the Ninth Circle is out of business, since once that happens, I can see if I can get you a deal." Emiko said, since she knew her brother could likely get Lyla and Argus to offer Philky a deal, since he was ex ASA and like her, ex Ninth Circle. The only reason she wasn't a criminal anymore was because she'd been tricked by Kazumi into joining the circle.

"I agree with that. But first we'll need to set up shell corporations and accounts to put the money in, since I think it would look suspicious if that much cash suddenly appeared in your public bank accounts and since the money could technically be considered dirty, that's not good for you. I can set that up if you give me some time and then once I've gotten everything set up, you can retrieve the money that I will then deposit." Philky said.

"Make sure it's not any bank in this country. That gives us too much exposure. And I swear we both have too much experience with criminal life if I can say this so easily." Emiko said and Philky chuckled.

"We both made some bad choices, but now those choices are gonna help. Though you know that while you're gonna be the one retrieving the money from where Odell had it hidden, I'm the one who's gonna have to take all the risks in essentially embezzling it." Philky said and Emiko nodded.

"There's too much risk involved in putting my name anywhere near what we're doing with this money, since if we get caught, it's not only my ass on the line, it's my whole family, not to mention Smoak Tech, since even though Felicity Smoak runs it, my family still owns a controlling interest in the company." Emiko agreed.

"Okay, so, shall we start planning our heist?" Philky asked and Emiko nodded.

"How exactly is this going to work since you're the face of this scheme, so what do I need to do?" Emiko asked.

"I know how Odell hid the money." Philky said.

"And I'm guessing he didn't hide the cash in some kind of money bin like I'm sure Tobias Church did?" Emiko asked.

"No, he's smarter than that, made the ASA's illegal money look legal. He put amounts of the money that wouldn't raise suspicion into different accounts in different banks across the country, since he felt that the leader of a government organization taking numerous trips out of the country would raise suspicion." Philky said.

"Smart, no one asks questions about the government operative traveling around the country and I'm guessing that every place he visited to deposit money had an ASA base located in it to provide a cover story for why he was there." Emiko said, since Odell was crafty, but he was also predictable.

"Yep." Philky said.

"So what do you need from me?" Emiko asked, since this seemed pretty straightforward to her.

"I know which banks Odell planted money in, I just don't know which accounts have his money in them, since I don't want to risk accidentally stealing money from decent people." Philky said.

"I don't follow where I come in?" Emiko asked.

"You can get me the person who actually does know this stuff." Philky said.

"There's no way I can get Odell out of Argus custody without sending up all kinds of red flags." Emiko said.

"I'm not talking about Odell, I'm talking about the guy he went to for hiding his stolen money in the first place. His financial guy, Keith Gordon. He was Odell's personal accountant, he managed all of the ASA's private books and accounts. We find him, you can make him give you the books and I can use those books to get us that money." Philky said and Emiko nodded.

"Start looking for the guy. Once we get a hit, I'll take it from there." Emiko said, right as some kind of swirling blue portal opened up in the middle of the room.

"What the hell is that?" Philky asked and Emiko was at a loss for words, since while she'd heard about these from her brother, she'd never seen them.

"I think it's some kind of dimensional breach. My brother told me about them once, I guess his world is even crazier than ours. Apparently you can use these things as a form of teleportation." Emiko said.

"You realize how crazy that sounds right?" Philky asked, right as a case came flying through the portal and nearly hit him in the head.

"You were saying?" Emiko asked as the portal closed and she went up to look at the case and saw a note on it in her brother's handwriting.

Don't say I don't know how to get you presents. I think you'll find what's inside very useful.

Emiko smiled as she placed her thumbs on what were clearly thumb scanners to unlock the case and she smiled when she saw what was inside.

"Time to get to work." Emiko said, since Oliver was right, she'd definitely find this useful.

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