chapter prologue : little sister

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[3rd pov]

You were waiting the train arrive with your dad, Amato and mechabot You sitting the bench as you swing your legs while Amato and mechabot watch the train arrive here the train station.

Then the train has arrive to their station as they slowly stopped the train and door open that you saw.

You jump out the bench as Amato pickup your backpack. "(Y/n), take care of yourself and your big brother too, okay. . ." Amato said as he give your backpack.

As you take your backpack. "Okay dad." Amato smiled. He fixed your dark brown and white streak short hair. "Dad, when are you coming back?" You asked.

Amato stay silent then he spoke. "I'm not sure, my daughter. I'll come home as soon as I can, okay?"

"Come home soon!" You exclaim as you jump to him and hug. As Amato surprise your actions then he hug you back. "Me and big brother going to miss you!"

Amato chuckled. "I'm going to miss you two. . ." He said as you both squeeze hug then any second you two broke the hug. "Be independent. Don't trouble too aba and your big brother too much."

You nodded. "I'll be behave, dad I promise!" You said as you salute pose to him. You turn your head to look at motobot look bit sad and hold a bunny cap, you smiled and run toward him and hug him as mechabot hug you back. "Take care of dad okay, mechabot?" You said as you two broke the hug.

"Goodbye. Make sure behave yourself just like boboiboy!" He said as he place the bunny cap on your head that you wear it now.

You giggle. "I can't wait to play more mechanize games with you!"

You heard the train station sound announcement. "The train will be departing soon. . . Get onboard if you don't want to be left behind!"

Amato sigh and look down at you were trying fix your bunny cap, he remind you look boboiboy he wear his Dino cap. "See you soon my daughter. And Don't forget this, you shouldn't have used your power until your big brother will allow you used your power." He said.

You nodded and wave at him. "Okay and bye dad. Peace be upon you."

"And peace upon you too." He patted your head and let go.

You grab your luggage and went the train and you let luggage inside the train. You look at Amato and mechabot as you wave at them.

Amato smiled and wave you back as mechabot take pictures of you were leaving, the memories he remembered that boboiboy leave.

You went inside the train as the door shut. Amato stop wave hand as he notice the train start moving and he begin walk then run, while you find your sit inside the train and notice Amato and mechabot there on window. "Bye dad! Send us a postcard!" You exclaim as you run toward the window and found your seat.

You place your hand on window as Amato touch window and said. "Say hi to Tok aba and boboiboy for me!"

You nodded and watch him he let go his hand on the window. "Bye!" You wave that Amato see your wave hand and watched the train drive way to the tunnel as he stopped running.

Amato and mechabot smiled then look each other then heard the ringtone on Amato pocket. He take out the phone on his pocket and the hologram showed a person. "Time to go Amato, mechabot."

little sister [ boboiboy Galaxy x sister! child! reader ] (ONGOING) Where stories live. Discover now