chapter 1: spaceship

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You watch the kid running on the park as they went the soccer area. You remember when you and your big brother, boboiboy. You two had played the soccer ball since you were are a baby and him a kid.

"Lil sis, you want play with them?" You heard your big brother voice as you look up at his smile face.

Which you smile and nodded then you jump off the chair and run toward the boys.

The boys about to play then they notice you approached them as you introduce yourself. "Hello! I'm (y/n)! Can I play with you guys?" You asked.

The boys blink curious then they smiled. "Sure! You in my team now!"

You smiled then you nodded and run toward a boy look same age as you beside him as a boy place the ball on the ground and stomp it. "It's me, boboiboy! Earth's superhero!" He exclaimed as you curious what he saying?

Your big brother? Superhero? You seem confused but you ignore it.

A other boy punch his fist. "Bring it on!"

A boy slowly step back as you watch him run at the ball. "Lighting. . . Kick!" He exclaimed as he kick the ball but instead he missed kick the ball as he fell down as landed the ball then ground as the ball flew high up.

You shocked and run toward him and ask him if he was okay, while his friends laugh at him then you notice the ball landed to his friend head then fell the ground and roll to the score thingy (I'm lazy. And y'know what I mean.) A boy look shocked and look his friend.

You look at him was shocked then he celebrate that did the score. "GOAL! Goal! Goal! Goal!" He exclaimed as you watch him with Pikachu surprise.

But you shrugged and clap your hand. "Yay! Goal!"

"Hehe! Awesome, hey are new here?" A boy asked as you nodded.

"Yeah, I'm new here that I'm visited my big brother!"

"That cool, wanna try the soccer?"

"Sure! I wanna try!" You said as his friend placed the ball and turn back their position to get started the game.

You were little nervous to play with them but you can do it, you just breath in and out and glance at the ball as you run toward it and kick the ball by you accidentally activate your power the autumn. 'Oh no!' You panic thought as the ball fly went super high.

Your eyes widen as you watch the ball landed to tree branch. You feel little panic and anxious that you promise your dad that you shouldn't activate your power but now you did, you slowly turn around at boys has wide eyes and jaw dropped like, they're speechless.


"That so cool!"


"The ball landed the tree branch!"

You were surprised they didn't look scared or fear of you power. You scratch your neck nervously. "Uhm. . . Thanks but I think the ball stuck the tree branch. ."

"Hm, your right. Let's go get it!" The boy said as you guys run toward the tree to get the ball.

When you guys arrived the tree as the boy's trying get the ball but they didn't reach or climb. "Man, I can't reach."

"Aaw. . . So that means. . We didn't get played the soccer. ." Boy said with sad tone and face including his friend.

You sigh then you hit idea on your brain. "I have idea!" You said as the boys look at you curious. "Let's go asked my big brother for help! He can climb!" You said as the boys smile their face.

little sister [ boboiboy Galaxy x sister! child! reader ] (ONGOING) Where stories live. Discover now