chapter 2: talking cat

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"That ship is stuck!" You said. You saw a robotic there on the spaceship and they aboard on space ship.

"We've got do something, gopal!" Boboiboy said his best friend. he still hold your shoulder to keep close to him just to be safe.

"You wanna fight those?" Gopal asked curious.

Boboiboy smirk and swipe his nose with his thumb finger. "This is our chance to be superheroes, Gopal! Let's go!" He activate his Powerwatch and changed his form to wind element. Wind activate his power to fly up but before he could went up, he turn around look down at you and said. "Stay here and Don't used your power yet."

You nodded and watch him fly up went to spaceship. Meanwhile Gopal look at you with curious what boboiboy said to you.
"She have a power too?" Gopal asked himself with curious.

Meanwhile, the Robotic going break in the spaceship. "Wind blast!" wind used his power to blew them away and kick out in teleportal and went back their ship.

As the robotic look at wind and their mad at him and blast him with their gun. you gasped then turn to slight shocked that wind dodge the blaster and he used the wind sphere and blew at robotic away the spaceship and went back their ship "Amazing!" You exclaim with star pupils in your eyes.

"Heh. That my best friend! Your brother is an element superhero. He can manipulate and change into different types of elements." Gopal explains about boboiboy power. you amaze your brother power and your thoughts so many questions how he get power? You don't know how he get but you decide asked him when the battle done.

(I got lazy so time skip~)

After the battle over, everyone sat on chair to take a break and rest after that battle as tok aba made hot chocolate two for motobot and ciciko. "My thanks, friend." Ciciko appreciate to boboiboy for save them both.

"Don't mention it." Boboiboy said with smile while you tap his powerwatch curious or stare at his powerwatch as boboiboy don't mind.

"You were awesome! If it wasn't for your help I would've been caught." Motobot said.

"Who were those guys?" You sudden asked as ciciko look at you with slight surprise that your face look like boboiboy.

"Who is this kid?" Ciciko asked.

"Oh, she's my little sister her name (y/n)!" Boboiboy said as he patted your head.

"Hm... You look familiar, (y/n) .."

"Huh? Really? " you asked at ciciko.

Ciciko stay silent then sigh. "Uh, nothing. You just reminds me of someone." He look at boboiboy. "that you asked that earlier it's space pirates."

"Space pirates?" You both asked.

"The pirates is exist? But why are they in space?" You said curious as you thought yourself if the pirates exist but why in space?

"What do they want?" Boboiboy asked as ciciko explain boboiboy who are space pirates while you thought yourself not a long enough then you snapped yourself you saw a white cat with blue eyes when it saw you where you looking. It shocked and run away.

You look at boboiboy who listen ciciko explain and you had a chance leave them that you hop off the chair and run toward the cat. While the cat keep running and it start climb on the tree as you stopped running and look up at the cat who climb the tree while the cat look down at you and rolled it eyes as you little shocked at the cat with serious. When it lay on the tree and it didn't notice a little who like you but different color and clothes and you were flying.

The cat shocked before it jumped but you caught the cat. "Why did you do that rolled eyes at me? Huh?" You said as you sat on the branch and hold the cat.

"S-sorry master-" Sudden your eyes wide and scream as boboiboy and other did hear your scream.



"That not how cat say bark! It's from the dog sound and the cat should be meow!"

"Then I'll noted that!" It said as it crossed it cat arms.

You sigh as your form changed back to normal then you realize how cat can talk? "Hey, who are you?"

"I'm a cat but I don't have a name. Just a cat or kitty?" It said.

"Okay? And why are you here in planet earth?"

"I don't know I'm finding the season power name, uh. (Y/n)?" It said as you blink twice at the cat with curious eyes.

"I'm (y/n)."

The cat look at you then blink twice. "Then I guess I found you now for this years-"


"Yeah, years. I been searching you" it said as it shrugged. Before you could say then you heard your big brother calling your name.

"(Y/n)! Where are you!" Boboiboy call your name with loud voice if you hear him.

"I'm here!" Boboiboy hear your voice near the tree, he went over the tree that you climb it and look up that you were sit the branch and hold a cat in your arm.

"There you are lil sis! Lets go back tok aba and help me clean the cafe after that we can go home and I tell you story" he said as you gasped in excited as you jump off the branch as boboiboy look shocked and panic you might fall and he caught you before you fall. "Hey! Don't do that!"

"Hehehe! Sorry!" You apologize as boboiboy put you down on the ground and notice a cat in your arm you holding it.

"Hm? Where did you find the cat?" He asked as you explain him that you found it while he listen to you.

"... And it can talk! Look, cat say hi my big brother!" You said as you showed him a cat front of him while boboiboy waited.

"... Meow." The cat meow.

"Oh, uuh. That cool?" Boboiboy said as you blink twice at him and look at the cat.

"Hey, why you didn't talk?"

"But I can talk?" The cat said.

Meanwhile boboiboy watched you talk a cat with the cat meow at you. I think you only can understand that cat only and boboiboy doesn't understand the cat say boboiboy think you understand the cat language or something some prank or not, but you didn't do a prank.

"Uhm, maybe let's take a cat and we can keep it?" He said as you and cat look at him with surprise as you nodded and boboiboy smiled, he said you go back to tok aba cafe and you nod as you both walk back tok aba cafe while you hold the cat in your other arm and you hold boboiboy hand.

You notice ciciko fix the spaceship and he tossed something the hook on the ground as you curious but you ignore it.

I forgot this book but I still keep ongoing and I been motivated more the draw and other new story called "immortal bsd x reader" and "detective oboi! Bsd x boboiboy! Male reader"

No worries I still keep going this book and isn't going to quick or uncontinued.

little sister [ boboiboy Galaxy x sister! child! reader ] (ONGOING) Where stories live. Discover now