#3 A Rude Awakening

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Jasper had been out scavenging for food near the lake a small jaunt away from his burrow, he has very few neighbors well more like one to be exact but he shouldn't be awake at this time of day. The spring grass had lots of tender roots for him to forage as well as a few vegetable for later, as he was packing the last of his early spring greens into the hide pouch a shimmer of light catches his attention at the lakes edge. Wondering what it could be. The number of things that shine like that leaves few things in this world but it could means the possibility that a salmon beached itself trying  to get something to close to shore yummy 😋 more things to scavenge for his dinner tonight. As he gets closer he realizes that the shiny thing he saw from over the hill was a female's ebony locks splayed across the lakeshore as the sun hits it in different angles he found that there were a multitude of different colors that popped in the sun. She was absolutely breathtaking unlike any of the other females in the cities  or tribes he had seen. He sees no obvious mate marks and smells of males on her and wonders how a lone female could have gotten out here this far from any tribe, especially one so shelters as this. He is busy taking in all of her features noting the strange pelts that she was wearing with as well the strange hide bag she clutched. He hardly noticed her stirring.

   Rhaella had the worst pounding headache. It took her laying there for about 2 minutes before she really took in her surroundings. She was sprawled on her back laying in what seemed to be very nice evergreen forest, as she sits up the very first thing that she sees is a fox one that is way too large to be normal. The only thing she can do is scream as the beast steps closer and the next thing shimmering light surrounds it and where the fox was a minute ago, a man is standing. Her brain goes a little haywire. All she can do is stutter "what are you? Who are you? What the hell's going on?" As shes panicking she notices the fox was now a male as she notices the obvious appendage he's sporting below the waist. Try and make himself seem as small and unthreatening as possible. So we start out the only way he knows how "hello female My name is Jasper. I am a two star Fox beast. May I know where your mates are so I can locate them and get you to them in a safe location? And do you need any assistance? You are quite a ways away from any nearby tribe."

   Jasper wasn't sure how to calm this scared and lost female as she yells random sentences at him but one thing he does know is as long as he shows her that he means her no harm. Maybe she'll stop screaming and he can ask her how she ended up here. He reaches into his hide bag is slowly as possible not to startle her and grabs his skirt to tie around his waist. This seems to make the female relax a little as she had obviously been staring at him like he was going to do something that would only be classified as something a rootless beast would do. All she does is squeak that her names not female it was Rhaella and she seemed distracted as she stared into the distance seemingly lost in thought as she takes in the forest he reached for the bag she dropped on the ground as soon as she saw his beast form only for her to flinch and pull it from his grasp. Confused and concerned about what he did wrong.

The next chapter will be a very small information page about Jasper and His back story 🦊

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