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"Mingi-ah, hurry up we are gonna be late." Yunho calls from the living room, we decided to get ready separately. My room still being my room though we tend to stay in Yunhos every night, it's easier just to keep my stuff stored in my room. Turning I look in the mirror one last time I take in my appearance, honestly proud of how good I look. I'm in a black button up, my chest exposed as it's only buttoned halfway up, in black slacks and black Chelsea boots. Jewelry decorating me perfectly, winking I blow myself a kiss as I turn out the light walking to meet Yunho. As I cross into the living room I stop in my tracks, taking in Yunhos appearance as he stands there.

He's in a white button up, black slackers, a choker curd chain and a black peacoat, his fingers decorated in rings as he taps away on his phone. "You look sexy, gotta say we might be the hottest couple anyone's seen." I laugh lowly, walking up and pushing his screen down his attention snapping to me instantly. A smile making its way to his face as he backs up a bit taking in my appearance, biting his bottom lip as he locks eyes with me once more. "I definitely agree when it comes to you." He says winking as he takes my hand pulling us from the apartment, making our way to his car as he opens the door letting me inside. A treatment I've grown accustomed to if I'm being honest, it amazes me how these last 6 months have flew by so quickly. We are now on the way to our 6th month anniversary, Yunho making sure to celebrate our milestones continuously. Making sure I always feel special no matter what, telling me my happiness is his priority.

It's not long before we are sat at the restaurant, Yunho ordering our drinks and food as soon as we are sat. Our conversation being cut short when our drinks are brought out, the waitress smiling to me as she stands there. "Thank you." I say bowing lightly, confused as why she stayed standing there, a smirk on Yunhos face when I look over. "Oh of course, is there anything else I can get you?" She asks, her voice sickeningly sweet as she twist the end of her hair. Realization of the situation at hand finally hitting me as I look over to Yunho, my mouth slightly open as I look to him for help. Laughing he looks over to her, her attention never leaving me, looking over I place an elbow on the table looking to her. "Ma'am, I think my fiancé and I are all good." I say patting his hand that lays on the table, her eyes going wide as her face turns red. Bowing she leaves us, only coming back to bring us our food then quickly disappearing once again.

"That was great, the food, the entertainment and the company. Also fiancé? I'm loving the new title. " Yunho jokes, winking at me as he walks to the drivers side tossing the keys into the air and catching them repeatedly. Turning I quickly grab the keys out of the air, rolling my eyes as I step in front of him. "No driving for you, you've been drinking all dinner and it was the easiest way to get her away." I say sternly placing my hand on his chest to keep him in place, causing him to giggle at me. His face slightly flushed as he looks down at me, kissing my cheek as he slips by me quickly. "Love when I have not opened the door for you? I know I'm not driving, now get in and be my Prince Charming this time and take me home." He winks, pulling the door open as he holds his hand out, taking it as he helps me in. Closing the door as he jogs around jumping into the passenger seat, slamming the door as he slips his hand in mine. "Now let's go my love, take me home, I still have something planned." A smirk on his face as he clicks on his seatbelt as I pull off, music playing softly as we make our way home.

"Min, you know I love you right?" he asks beside me, squeezing my hand a bit, looking over I send him a soft smile. "I know love, you never fail to make me feel loved as well." A soft pink tint still visible in the dark car from him drinking, he's definitely not drunk but I know he's a bit tipsy. Just as I'm about to look back to the road I hear the squeal of tires, my body instantly tensing as my attention snaps to the road ahead. Slamming on the brakes as all I see is headlights, feeling the impact as everything goes black.


Sirens sounding in the distance, yelling and a loud creak, waking me. A cough escaping me as I blink trying to clear my vision, confusion hitting me as I look around finally clearing my vision just enough to see. My eyes quickly finding Yunho as a sharp pain shoots through me, causing me to yell out in pain, tapping on window next to me trying to pull my attention. The pain, noise and visual of the scene overwhelming my senses, sending me spiraling as I take it all in at once.

I couldn't take my eyes off of him, my lungs burning as I look over to him, my vision blurry as blood flows into my eyes. Blinking it away the best I can as I try and take in my current situation, a pained groan slipping from my lips as I try to pull my pinned leg free. "Yun." I cry out as I see him laying limp, blood decorating his face and soaking his white button up. "Yun, please answer me!" I yell reaching for him, his arm draped across my lap as blood drips down his fingertips, groaning as I hold my head which is pounding. What happened? How did we get here? It's not long before I completely black out, the dizziness and pain swallowing me.


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Maybe one day I'll have no conflict in my story, just rainbows and butterflies

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