part4 ( meeting 2)

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She said as soon she saw you touching her feet And hug you .
Then you come to and about to touch his feet but he hug you . Then you saw a cute girl looking at you with her doe eyes .

Ara: helo i am ara nice to meet you .

You are aww at her cute ness
You hug her and she seem surprised as because of being
Mafias dauther / sister she
Always stay at home . Only she
Go to school but no one talk to
Her beacause of that .

Bts pov :

We saw how our parants are happy
And giggling beacause of her . Then
We saw her huging our sister
Which is really adorable .

Mom made her sit beside jk his
Ear are red we can see that .

Mr.roy : as you know we are thaking
About that promise our mom made
So we thing we should let you guys talk.

Mrs.roy: baby take them to your room.

I sine them to follow me they follow me .

We come to my room .

y/n: please have a sit.

They sat on my bed and i sit in front
Of them .i was looking down . Then
Jin start taking.

Jin: are you ok with the marrige i
Mean for marrying 7 guy .

He ask with concern driping in his
Voice .

y/n: yes .

Namjoon: look at us when we are
Taking (with dominative voice )

That voice siver down my spin .
Then i slowly lift my head see
Everyone staring at me.

Tae: so we have something to tell you .

He wisper jimin someting then
Jimin told jk he have some work
Him so jimin take jk with him in the balcony.

You raise you eyebrows when you see the come close to you .

Jin: so this marrige is oky for us but
Our younger brother jk he have
Problem .

You look at them in curious .

Yoongi: he have a big accident in past and which hurt his head and
For that he have mentally problem.

Namjoon:so if someone shout at
Him , or someone make him sad he
Slip in his little space. And some time he normally slips in his little space.

y/n:little space?

Hobi: little space mean he behaves
Like 5 to 6 year old kids .

You are to shock to speak .

Jk: if you dont want to marry me its ok.

Everyone flinch beacause of his sudden arrival . We turn and see that jk standing there with teary
Eye and behind him a worried jimin
Was coming .

Tae:what are you saying jk?

Jk: no hyung its oky if she don't
Want to marry me . I don't want
To runing her life because of me .

y/n: no no dont think like that.

Jk: why ? (In confused)

You go in front of him and hug him
Which make him froze in his spot.

y/n:why i don't want to marry you
You are so cute no one can say no
To you .

Jk:but when i propose a girl in my
University she rejected me because
She got to know about my illness .

y/n: she was just unlucky that she miss a gold like you .

He just look at you with cute doe

You are aww at him his brothers Are happy that there parents found A girl like you

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You are aww at him his brothers
Are happy that there parents found
A girl like you .

Then you all sit on the bed and talking about your hobbys .
When someone knock on the door
You open the door se a maid standing there.

Maid: mam they are calling you

You nooded at her and she go to downstairs. Then you turn and tell
The boys that everyone is calling us .

They sign and nooded then follow
You down stairs.

You all come to down stairs . are you all ok with the marrige?

Bts x y/n : yess. (Shyly )

You two say at together . Everyone
Laught at you all .

Mrs.roy: i think we should rest now.
So thake boys in your room so you all spend some time . I will thake others .

You thake them upstairs in your room .

Then you told them to fress up .

y/n: you all fress up i am coming with some to eat .

They nooded there head . And one by one go to the bathroom .

When you return the room you got
Shock seeing the view in front of you .

You see that they are only in town
In the waist . Looking hot .

They hear sandel sound they turn
And see you standing in front of the gate while your graze is is them

They smirk while looking at you .
You saw them smirking at you quickly turn around and told them

y/n: pl- ple-please wear your cloths .

You Sutter in nervous ness .

To be continue

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