part 10

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Here you are waching movies but
This this not a horror movie.
You are sitting between Jin and j hope.

Jin pov:

Here we are waching movies with
Our soon to be wife.
She is very good and kind even she
Take care of our family members
Like her own.
We start to liking I mean loving her

Thinking about her make me smile.
Suddenly I fell something on my
Shoulder i turn my head and see
That is y/n.

I softly smile and pat her head she
Lightly move and hug his arm tightly.
He look around and see that other looking at her with soft smile.

Then Jimin say with soft and gentle
Voice " hyung we are lucky thet
Our parents found a girl like her
For us ".

Other nodded and rm who is sitting
Beside him pat his back.

Then they also sleep like that
As the couch was big .

In morning

You woke and show that others
Are sleeping.
You blush when you see that your
Head in jins chest and legs in hobis

You slowly sat strait and go to
Bathroom to fress up not before
Kiss there head.

After fress up you come down stairs
See that other are not here you
Thought they are in washroom
Only jk was there look just wake up
And rubbing his eye you smile and
Went to and raffle his hair .

He flinch and see that you he hug
You his face is in your stomach
As he is sitting and you are standing.

You pat his head and say " kook go
And fress up you need to eat breakfast and also please call them."

"Oky" he with sleepy voice.

y/n- go kook

'Hmmm." And hug you tightly snuge
In to you belly.

y/n sign knowing that he will be
Like so a idea pop in her mind
She bend and come to his level
And peak his nose.

Jk wind his eye his cheek and ears become red in shyness he run away.

You laugh at his face turn to go
But your eye fell in behind the
Couch you look closely see that is someones head you become cqurious and go behind the couch
Only meet a sleeping cat .

To be continued ~~~~

Answer in comment who is sleepy
Cat i know you all already know
Who is he.

Answer in comment who is sleepyCat i know you all already knowWho is he

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