part 11

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You saw that yoongi was sleeping
Behind the couch on the floor.

You sat down and slowly shake him.

He crunch his nose and again sleep
Then you call him " yoongi wake up"

He sleepily nodd his then slowly
Open his eyes and cutely glare at
You .
You giggle at him and show your
Tough at him .

Then you said " now go and get ready we are going to shopping
For engegment."

He nodded and go to upstairs for getting ready.

In dining table

You are siting between Ara and jk

You'll are eating  

After 30 minutes

You'll finish and go to the limo

Your parent's and kim couple  will
Be there with your brothers.

After and hour you all reach to
The mall.

You all meet your parents and
Went to shopping

Your mom ,,Ara and you
Went to buy your dress.

And men's go for Kim brothers.

Before going you and Kim brothers
Look at each other then
Go for shopping.

After 2 hour you all shopping finished.

( I will show you in engegment )

Right now you all are in  cafe have
Some snacks as you all are a little
Hungry .

You are sitting with Kim brothers.

With your family in other table.

A waitress come for taking our
Order her shirt first two buttons
Are open a she waring a tight skirt.

She spoke in flirty voice " what you
Boys like to have" .

You angrily look her then hold
Tae's hand and kiss his cheek.

He become shock and the waitress
Angryly look at you.

Then Kim brothers understand and Jimin who is sitting beside her other side say" baby what do you wanna have?".

You are siting between tae and Jimin.


Tae who come out from shock and
Also kiss your cheek.

Then you all give your order but
Before going she intentionally
Touch yoongi's hand .

You become jealous and took
a napkin and clean his hand were
She touch.

They chuckled at you then
You all finished your snacks and
Go back home and sleep as you all are tired.

In engegment;

Everyone is in hurry all are running
Here and there

Here you and Ara siting on the couch looking at Kim brothers and
Abhi who was doing work .

They suddenly come and say " oky y/n , boys , Ara  go and 
Get ready  .
And girls  the makeup artist is
Come anytime.

You all nodded and went to get ready for engegment.

y/n pov.

I went to the bathroom and take
Shower  .

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