part 12

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You are now siting on your bed

Felling sad because Kim brothers
Are going back tomorrow as they have
Some important work

Only Kim brothers are going other
Are staying.

Then suddenly you hear a knock in
Your door.
You open the door see

Kim brothers.

They are standing there in pajama
You let them in.

You know they come to spend time with you.

They will come after 3 days .

They sat on your bed you lock the
Door and sat between Jin and jk.

Jk put his head in your lap.

You notice his change behaviour
Like he is behaving like a baby.

You look jk and ask" what happened
Kook ".

Jk sob that catch your attention
You made him look at you other also looking at him .

He look at you with teary doe eyes
And say in baby voice." mommy i dowt wawt to gwo i dowt wanna leabe yown."

You look at him in concerned as well as confusion as  he
Talking like a 3 year old baby.

You look at Jin in worry .

Jin also look at you and say" i think he slip in his little space  because of stressed" .

( I already informed in introduction
That jk had little space because of

You look at jk and care his head
And say sweet words to clam him

After sometime he clam down
And look at you  with tear sten red cheek and red nose.

He is looking super cute.

You wipe his tear away and kiss his forehead he look at you withPout

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You wipe his tear away and kiss his forehead he look at you with

You wipe his tear away and kiss his forehead he look at you withPout

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You cooe at him .

Then he say sock everyone
" Mommy koo lob yow".

You fell butterfly with it.

You answered"love you too koo".

A/n pov:)

You  and Kim brothers all ready
Fall for each other but never

Confress it's the first time you
Say .

Other look at you in jealousy
Which look cute .

So you gather some confidence
And say " i lob you" in baby voice.

They look melt in your word.
And say "  we love you."

jk look at you in doe eyes

Then say "koo want to leawe mommy" .

You look at him and care his head.

And say " but you have important
Work koo" .

Jk winn other try to clam but that's
Don't work so you say " I will call
You all and when you come back
I will give you a gift ".

Jk become excited and say ok

They sleep there that night.

In morning they left .

To be continued.

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