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september 13 2149

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september 13 2149

ARIA HAD SPENT the rest of her day constructing shelters with Wells. She decided she had to put her negative feels towards his father aside. After all, he was the only one who seemed to realise their situation and was helping out, and he wasn't his father.

Night had fallen. Aria never knew how beautiful the night could be. Here, the moon lit up the sky, draping the forest floor in a sliver glow. And far beyond, the stars twinkled away. For the first time, she allowed herself to think of the people she had left behind on the Ark. Her father. Her best friend, Beck. And her little brother.

Of course he wasn't her brother in the same sense Octavia and Bellamy were related. They shared no blood. But after her mother and his father were floated, her father and his mother had fallen in love and married. But Aria didn't care about any of that, Lewis was her little brother through and through. He was only a baby, only nine, Aria would've traded the world to have him beside her, safe and sound.

Tears welled up in her eyes, he would have loved this. Lewis, like her, had been in every advanced class he could. Although he took after Beck in the physics and mathematical sciences more than the chemical and medical.

She recalled one night that felt like hundreds of years ago, when her father was working late as a mechanic and her step-mother in the rations centre and Beck had come over to keep Lewis entertained. They had all curled up in his bunk, and Beck had recounted stories and facts about the Stars.

"The stars are so pretty from the Ark, even better on a space walk, but when we all get down to Earth, we'll see them in a whole new way. See, the atmosphere causes the stars to twinkle. Do you know why" Lewis shook his head, "Well, as the starlight travels to the ground, it goes through different atmospheric layers that all have varied temperatures and densities, causing variations in the refractive index due to fluctuations in temperature."

"Bending the light." Lewis nodded, his young brain working faster than most adults.

"Precisely, it makes the stars twinkle and glitter, it's known as stellar scintillation. It doesn't happen in space, because we're in a vacuum." Aria finished, clutching her brother close.

"So when we get down to the ground, can we all go star gazing?" Her brother questioned.

"Of course." Aria kissed him on his head, content, her brother had closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Aria watched as the starts twinkled now. Gazing up at them, wishing on every one that she would see her brother again.

"Aria?" Wells called, she quickly wiped away her tears, "What's going on over there?"

He pointed to the large gathering of delinquents by a roaring fire. If Wells had noticed her crying, he didn't say anything, which Aria appreciated. "I'm not sure, let's check it out."

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