sophie👑 ; I just want mcdonalds
elena💗 ; get some McDonald's
sophie👑 ; mom said no .
calum 💩 ; I'll get u some
sophie 👑 ; pls
michael 😻 ; get some too
ash 🔥 ; ^ me 2
luke💦 ; I'm so .. hungry and tired
sophie 👑 ; hold up blink is on
calum 💩 ; I'm actually supposed to be with sophie I c
michael 😻 ; no i am
elena💗 ; she's actually mine
sophie 👑 ; I'm supposed to be with troy Bolton so b y e
michael 😻 ; I'm supposed to be with Gabriella
Luke 💦 ; oo
calum 💩 ; I need some food rn
ash 🔥 ; I need to go to the gym actually ..
sophie 👑 ; ur always going there ..
calum 💩 ; that's how he gets so strong
Luke 💦 ; wait so like am I the only one who wants to watch high school musical ?
sophie 👑 : Luke
sophie 👑 ; I am watching hsm rn
Luke 💦 ; well then
calum 💩 ; Luke watching hsm .. ahahha
calum 💩 ; I can c that
michael 😻 ; that or mean girls or some girly shit
elena💗 ; aw ^ lol
sophie 👑 ; WHAT TIME IS IT !
luke 💦 ; 3am ..
sophie 👑 ; Luke I'm so disappointed in you..
sophie 👑 ; I didn't mean the literal time
michael 😻 ; HAHAHHA LUKE
ash 🔥 ; omg .. lol
Luke 💦 ; oh oops
elena💗 ; is no one gonna talk about calum knowing the next words ?
michael 😻 ; hhhhaomg
calum 💩 ; so what I've seen it a couple times
sophie 👑 ; I've seen it a lot.
Elena 💗 ; it's true
calum 💩 ; woooow
sophie 👑 ; I have a confession
michael 😻 ; wat
sophie 👑 ; I'm a lesbian ..
calum 💩 ; wow did not see that coming
elena 💗 ; whateves you liar .
elena 💗 ; u like dick to much to be gay
sophie 👑. ; I'm glad you know me so well.
michael 😻 ; oh thank god ..
luke 💦 ; hahahaahahaha
ash 🔥 ; figures
taylor 🙅🏻 ; holy shit I missed a lot .
sophie 👑 ; where have you been ?????
taylor 🙅🏻 ; sleeping .
elena💗 ; just like michael aye
michael 😻 ; ^^
ash 🔥 ; we never talk about anything Interesting .
sophie 👑 ; fine we can talk about sex or how big ur dicks r
elena💗 ; lets talk about ur first orgasm aye
sophie 👑 ; okay it was rlly nice and it went by so fucking fast I was pissed .
taylor 🙅🏻 ; I had mine when I was 17.
sophie 👑 ; how old r u now ?
taylor 🙅🏻 ; 18 duh
elena 💗 ; so is Luke ooo
taylor 🙅🏻 ; I just turned 18 like in May .
elena 💗 ; you're the youngest ..
Luke 💦 ; hahah finally I'm not the youngest
sophie👑 ; Luke will be 19 on July 16th.
Luke 💦 ; ^^
taylor 🙅🏻 ; oh well
michael. 😻 ; when are we gonna hang out again ?
calum 💩 ; I'm having a huge summer party in July sometime.
ash 🔥 ; for me an Luke ??
calum 💩 ; no for me.
sophie 👑 ; actually for me but k b y e.
Luke 💦 ; night guys ! love u all
sophie 👑 ; keep it 💯
michael 😻 ; I will hunny bunny
sophie 👑 ; ew no
elena💗 ; niiiight
thanks for reading lovely.Hope u guys like it .