My Class! 🇬🇧

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My classmates! With nicknames invented by me:

1) Polenta - Because he is polemical so polenta.

X: It doesn't make sense...

*Throws chair*

Shh... It doesn't matter ;)


2) IsFalsa - Because she is a fake (Falsa), that she pretends to be all kind and nice, but she is a ##### who talks behind your back with her friend.

3) Siren - I don't like her very much, but we practically never talk.

X: Why "Siren"?

Why not?

X: 😐

4) MiRiso - Because he always laughs (Riso) like me, but details- and well, I probably spoke with him once in three years-

5) AnSia - Because she gives me that vibe (I don't know how to explain it) I like her, and she's one of the few people who remembers that ✨ I EXIST ✨

( Ansia = Anxiety )

6) Bet - Ex ex best friend I've talked about a million times already.

7) Kebab - Because he only talks about that or rice with chicken - I like him, and somehow every he says makes me laugh -

8) MezzoRanzo - Because it is a mix between Mezzo (Middle) and Maranza, because he thinks he is always in the middle when maybe some professor speaks in general, and Maranza is something you can search in internet cause im too lazy to put something cause I actually have no idea how to explain it.

9) Payame - I dislike him and like him at the same time, and he's the one in the class who knows about computers etc.

X: I have the feeling that Payame is for no reason...

Exactly! 👍

10) Gaygino - Because it's a mix between Gay and Cugino (Cousin), Gay because... And Cousin because he is AnSia's cousin, he too sometimes remembers that ✨ I EXIST ✨

11) Vetraccia - Because it's a mix between Vetro (Glass) and Borraccia (Water bottle), because his water bottle fell and broke as if it were made of glass-
She's okay.

12) Mai - Because he's never (mai) in class, and I'm fine with that, he's new this year.

13) Your SimpAtIcIsSiMa Etto_Rina & Rii_The_Chair

(Simpaticissima = Friendly, nice, good)

14) Carota/Wendy - Carota (Carroct) because I hate her and she deserves a name she hates, and Wendy because she was be Wendy in my old videos:

15) Critc - Because she criticizes herself during art class, she is also new.
I like her.

16) ImbecciTe - Change the T to the L and is Imbecile in Italian.

17) Maranza 2 - That's literally the only thing I can say about him.

18) Esempio - Because it is the example (esempio) that the whole class should follow- (including me)

19) LUI - Because he's the Crush of a girl, and when he does something stupid or stuff like that, I wonder, why him (Lui?(-
But despite everything he's quite nice.

20) MaStron - Put Ma at the end, and change M to Z, and you have the B bad word.
She is IsFalsa's friend.

21) FDP - Because in Italian, it stands for Son of a b--- *cough cough* Emh-

Anyway, these were my classmates and what I think of them!

♡ Gli Scleri Di K - The Problems of K ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora