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Everyone welcome Phil!

New OC that is part of the characters like X and J

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New OC that is part of the characters like X and J.

He uses he/him, and he's J's younger brother! :D

J: So let's all welcome him to this place, where chairs will be thrown at him for everything he says.


Phil: Umh- what...?

X: Don't worry, you'll get used to her and her craziness... and be careful of her daughters, especially the one who wants to burn everything she sees.

Phil: ...emh-

I'm sure you'll like them, especially the one who wants to burn everything she sees.

J: At least we hope for you, and your house.

Phil: ...

Anyway! Before we make him run away, let's finish the chapter!

So, what do you think of this new character?

I hope you like him!


♡ Gli Scleri Di K - The Problems of K ♡Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora