Season 4 Episode 4

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(Suddenly the light takes off and the door closes)

Zack: What is happening.

Armond: I don't know.

Zack: Lets get out of here (runs to the door) It's locked.

Armond: What could be happening.

(Suddenly the "GATEWAYS TO MYSTERY BOOK" begins to talk)

G.T.M Book: Hey.

Zack: (Scared) Armond was that you.

Armond: No.

G.T.M Book: It's  me, the book.

Armond: There are a lot of books in this room.

G.T.M Book: (Sighs) It's me the "GATEWAYS TO MYSTERY" book.

Zack: Wow, awesome.

Armond: Now that we know that all this creepy stuffs was you, we are less scared.

Zack: Is something wrong, why did you do all those scary stuffs.

G.T.M Book: Just wanted to make my entrance cool.

Zack: (Scoffs) Yeah whatever.

G.T.M Book: I need to tell you an important message.

Zack: What is it ?

G.T.M Book: There is an emerald I need you to get.

Armond: For what.

G.T.M Book: To create more pages inside me.

Zack: How is that important.

G.T.M Book: It is very important because, if there are no pages left, there won't be any more adventures.

Zack: Ok, that is very important.

G.T.M Book: That is why I want both of you to get me the emerald.

Armond: Ok, we accept the mission.

Zack: Where is the emerald located ?

G.T.M Book: It is located in the "Temple of power" .

Armond: But we can't start the mission without the others. We would need their help.

G.T.M Book: But we can't wait, the emerald is going to disappear tomorrow by midnight.

Armond: Oh that means we can't wait for the others.

Zack: Ok, lets start the mission.

G.T.M Book: Good luck.

Armond: Wait aren't you coming with us.

G.T.M Book: Oh no, there is nothing for me to do there.

Armond: So we are not using any guidance.

G.T.M Book: I know you can do this, you have gone through a lot of missions.

Armond: We went to all those missions because we had you.

G.T.M Book: But you can still do this, even if you have half of the team here.

Armond: Ok, I believe we can do this.

G.T.M Book: Hope you survive.

Armond & Zack: WHAT!!!

G.T.M Book: Just kidding.

Armond & Zack: Lets do this.





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