Season 3 Episode 3

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Zack: Good luck.

Ivy: Good 👍 luck to you too.

Armond: Ivy you can do this, buy us some time 

Ivy: I'll try to. "HEY" ( referring to the unicorn) 

Zack: ( whisper) I believe In you Ivy.

Ivy: ( turns on her phone's flashlight at the direction of the unicorn and the unicorn tries to remove it's eyes, meanwhile the others are trying to touch the unicorns horn)

Armond: ( Jumps on the unicorn and touches it's horn and suddenly the unicorn falls down).

Zack: You did it Armond.

Armond: Yeah, we did it.

Ivy: ( switches off her phones touch) now let me see what the book says ( Checks her phone ) this shouldn't be too hard.

Leom: What does the book says.

Ivy: It says that we should touch the wall with the unicorns horn.

Zack: Does that mean we have to remove the horn of the unicorn from its head.

Armond: I think.

( Suddenly the unicorn's horn remove's from it's head and the unicorn disappears)

Ruby: ( Takes the unicorn's horn and puts in on the wall and suddenly it opens) I did it.

Leom: Whatever.

Zack: Too bad our journey ended too soon.

Armond: There's always next time.

Ruby: Yeah, so what should we do to the unicorns horn.

Leom: I can add it to my collection of things we have found during our adventure.

( They all look at him with a weird face)

Leom: What, there's nothing bad in keeping stuffs.

Armond: Whatever, lets get out of here.

(They all go out through the door)

Ruby: That was a fun adventure.

Zack: Yeah, I have to go, well bye.

Ivy: Bye Zack.

Zack: Yeah, bye ( he leaves)

( At Zack's house )

Mr. Amigo: Oh Zack You are back.

Zack: Yeah dad (Laughs nervously).

Mrs. Amigo; The question is where have you been.

Zack: Hmm,

Mr. Amigo: Something is weird about you and if you don't tell us were you where you will be grounded.

Zack: (Gulps).  



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