Season 2 Episode 3

40 21 5

Armond: Hey Zack.
Zack: Hey Armond.
Mrs. Amigo: Zack who is this.
Zack: Hm, this is the boy I borrowed  "GATEWAYS TO MYSTERY" book.
Mrs. Amigo: oh yeah I remember that time.
Zack: Mom,Dad meet Armond my best friend.
Armond: Hi, Mr&Mrs. Amigo
Mr&Mrs. Amigo: Hi.
Mr. Amigo: I've got a lot of questions to ask you about the book 📖.
Armond: Hm sure you can ask anything.
Mr. Amigo: How did you get a copy of this book.
Armond: Oh,my dad's friend has a bunch of the book 📖,but he sold all of them.
Mr. Amigo: Thanks,I really needed the book.
Zack: Dad why do you need a copy of the book 📖.
Mr. Amigo: It's not me that needs the book 📖 it's my friend who needs it.
Armond: Hm, sir I happen to have a copy of the book.
Mr. Amigo: I'll need it.
Armond: Sure no problem.
Mrs. Amigo: Hope I'm not disturbing you.
Armond: Oh no sir I came to see 🙈 Zack.
Zack: How did you know I was here.
Armond: My dad forced me to com, you know dad's.
Zack: Exactly.
Mr. Amigo: ( stares at him in a threatening way and coughs 😷) hm, Armond we are happy to see you here.
Armond: Hm, thanks 🙏,I was also happy to see you guys hm I really appreciate your love 💕 and kindness ( thinks 💬🤔: Did I just say love 💕 and kindness ) .
Mr. Amigo: Hm, Armond can you quickly go and grab the book,or is your house 🏠 that far.
Armond: No it's not far at all my house is very close to this place, it's like we are technically neighbors.
Zack: Armond hurry up.
Armond: I'll be back in a flash 📸 (Thinks: did I just say flash 📸)
(Goes to his house 🏠 and grabs the book and as he is about to leave his dad comes).
Armond's dad: Armond where are you going to with that  book 📚.


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